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2200. There have been 4,422 aftershocks since the 16th January 2013.

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Q: How many aftershocks have there been since the Canterbury earthquake 2010?
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Were there any aftershocks following the Haitian earthquake in January 2010?

Yes. There are nearly always aftershocks after a big earthquake. Please see the related question for more information.

Is nz 2010 earthquake finished?

No not quite aftershocks can even occur for a couple of days after the main earthquake.

Why did the earthquake in christchurch have so many aftershocks?

The reason that there have been so many aftershocks after the 2010 Christchurch earthquake is because bigger earthquakes have not only stronger aftershocks, but more of them. Aftershocks happen because when an earthquake occurs, the earth's plates hardly ever settle into a stable position straight away. So, the newly moved rock has to be settle.

When was the first big earthquake and what magnitude was it?

On 4 september 2010 there was a 6.3 magnitude earthquake which has left huge amounts of aftershocks.

How long did the 2010 Haiti earthquake last for?

The duration of the initial earthquake was 30 - 40 seconds. There were several smaller aftershocks.

How long did the haiti earthquake 2010 last?

The duration of the initial earthquake was 30 - 40 seconds. There were several smaller aftershocks.

How many aftershocks has Haiti had since the earthquake?

there was 13 aftershocks after the earthquake in haiti

How many aftershocks have their been in christchurch?

since September 2010 there have been around 14,000 aftershocks in CHCH

How many asftershocks in christchurch earthquake?

Between 4:35am on Saturday September 4, 2010 and 2:00pm on Sunday 18 September, 2010, there have been nearly 700 aftershocks, with more expected. Aftershocks may continue for weeks. update: A month afterwards and we have had over 2000 aftershocks in Canterbury now. Though the frequency is now decreasing they are still happening with some a few rarer ones still being 4.6 - 5 on Richter scale.

Why tsunamis do not occur after earthquake?

Aftershocks are the results of the Pressure Plates being unstable, and are still adjusting or moving. The earthquake from September 4, 2010 in Christchurch will be having aftershocks for about 1 and a half more years.

What was the magnitude of the earthquake in Haiti on January 12 2010?

The magnitude of the earthquake was 7.0. The first estimates were of a 7.3 Richter magnitude quake. and the highest aftershocks were 5.9 on the Richter scale