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Q: How many almonds should give to 9 months baby?
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What should you do if your 7 months baby have a fever with diarrhea?

Give him/her plenty of water, the baby loses a lot of water when having diarrhea, and go see a doctor.

How many months will a goat give birth?

With in six months a goat can give birth a baby goat after mating

What they should eat at three months?

Babies should still be breast feeding, or drinking formula, at the age of 3 months. On your 4 month doctors visit & check up, the doctor will give you the OKAY as to whether or not the baby may began eating pureed baby foods.

What are nutritional guidelines for a baby?

For a baby under 1 year of age, the baby should only be consuming formula or breast milk until about age 6 months but remember if you are giving formula you need to also give your baby water because in breast milk there is plenty so you don't need to give much water. After 6 months you can introduce fruits and vegetable baby food.

Is it safe to give enterocrinin to a three months old baby?

You would not want to give enterocrinin to a three month old baby unless a doctor has prescribed it. This is used to stimulate the small intestine and should only be done with medical professionals.

How much should a 2 months old baby take tempra for fever?

Never give acetaminophen to a 2 month old without a doctor prescribing it.

How old does a baby have to be till you can give it rice in a bottle?

6 months old

Can i give 11 months old baby HiB and Hepatitis A vaccination now?

To ensure adequate protection, the last dose of HIB and the hepatitis A vaccine should not be given before the baby is 12 months old. Talk to your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

Is it possible for the women to give a birth to a baby in 8 months?

No it would not be safe and they would have to give her a c-section.

Is it bad if you give a three month old baby gerber?

Yes. The only thing your baby should be eating at three months is formula or brest milk. Consult your babies doctor before you give it any solid food. You can cause you baby to have childhood obesity by feeding it things it shouldn't have yet.

Is your 6 month old breastfed baby constipated?


What age do you start babies on cereal?

You can start your baby on cereal at about four months. Mix it with a bit of formula or breast milk. If he doesn't like it or it seems he is spitting it all out, wait a week and try again. Always consult your pediatrician first to confirm that your baby is ready.