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@Hades sorry i could not fit this from dave.

Well you have a good question. The multiverse. Most physicist calculate that there could be 10^10^10^10^17 Parallel universes. and there is 10^500 different ways physics can be arranged. with 11 dimetanal membrane. The evaluational thought of the multiphase has been for many ages.

Okay first the word "universe" is latin for "all in one" so the word universe means the entirety of physical cosmology of the discovered plain of existence. This is the history of cosmology and how it effected ancient greece. So there are many different ways to "build a universe" the big bang has many different theoretical causes. Some think the big bang is a white hole some think it is broken off of previous Universe some think it is born after this Universe death. Omniverse latin for "all reality". so in the laws of physics it states anything possible has to happen some were in the omniverse. So they are all true. Ancient cosmology worked like this While surrounded by folklore and legends mythology was very prominent however in basic the concepts of Gods works like this Time line

Unknown a possible true omnipotent force forges the 11 demetanel omniverse

Unknown (10^10,000 years estimate ) years ago the 3 demetanal multiverse is born

13.7 billion years ago our universe is born

4.6 billion years ago Earth is formed

3.8 billion years ago life begins

around 500 million years ago (i think) animalls split from plants

300 million years ago (i think) mammals come

65 million years ago mass extinction and evolution all most starts over

30 million years ago primates evolve

2 million years ago human race begins

500,000 years ago humans develop and live in very primitive tribes also draw cave paintings since science has not Develop yet they think "magic people" make things happen since they cannot there must be someone who can

200,000 years ago proto launges form

100,000 years ago ice age begins (i think)

30,000 years ago man invents the spear

10,000 ice ago ends and a flood starts witch inspires mythical floods (Yahweh's flood Zeus's flood ETC.)

10,000 years ago cities Develop

7,000 years ago Mesopotamia comes to power as does egypt and many other Middle East countries

5,000 years ago advanced technology begins

4,000 years ago Abraham claims to know about god and begins Judaism

3,000 greece become "futuristic for its time"

2000 years ago jesus is born

1900 years ago his region spreads

1000, years ago europe enters its dark age and most of it converts to Christan

500 years ago dark ages end and the discovery of a sphere shaped earth and gravity

400 years ago heliocentric Revolution

300 years ago galaxies ideas are discovered

200 years ago Biology is revolutionized

100 years ago multiple galaxies are discovered

in the recent century multiverse theory as well as quantum theory and relativity is thought of

so that up there was an introduction to the evolution of cosmology so when you say multiverse it could just mean other planets since the concept of universe is all we have discovered or other solar systems or other galaxies our "Universe" is really a galactic super cluster of half a trillion galaxies. so multiverse just keeps growing. if we discover other universes there really other clusters. other planets are other univereses other solar systems and other galaxies were all once consitred multiverses. so thats what the word multiverse means other scintific discoveries are sepret from what we think of entirety. so any other new cosmic discoveries are consitred multiverses now so there is no real defintion of "universe" or "multiverse" to enlighten your knowlage how cosmolgy evolved

very early man thought of the earth going on forever. anceint cosmolgy was a flat earth and a dome sky in an infinte cosmic ocean or primeval water ocean with a sky dome.

fast foward. by the way christopher colmbus did not discover th earth was round the vikings were also there first europeons to arive in North America not columbus. Also he going to find india not america he discovered north america and brought it back to europe axidetelly so europeons could impeirlize it years later espaiclly during the british emprire. After the discoverey of a round earth they discovred other worlds(universes) then discovred the the solar system. that was the entire universe back then stars revolved around the universe/solar system. them the discovery of other created the "galaxy" then other galaxies in clusters then other cluster are discovered so do you understand the term world or universe as compairsim to multiverse.

Greek mythology and the multiverse

okay allow me to explain the "multiverse" and greek "mythology" So as i said above since the begining of history man did not know about nature or cosmology and since they were primitive they thought people did them. so since they cannot do what they do they made it so they were a diffrent race since laungue did not evolove untill later they term for "magic people" grew into many diffrent words in greek Zeus is the head of the pantheon his mane came from deus witch came from theon witch means god in greek. in english the word god is an anglo saxton word for higher power so when talking about other cultures cosmic being that are above humans we call them gods. (Norse:eiser,greek:theons, hindu: devas ect.) all indo europeon myth bodies evolved from each other.

now the conclusion of only 1 god came still in primitive times because if those gods were there who created them. the sky or "heavens" were usally what the chiefe god was god of Anu,svragog,zeus,tenger were all skyfathers who ruled the pantheon. Mythology and relgion are 2 diffrent but linked things. the greeks (as well as many other cultures and philosophies around the) world scintificlly belieived in 1 god HOWEVER there primal storires and legends evolved threw time and were allogircle SYMBOLLS for real world events all over the world. since man kind was still ignorent of the omniverse many great thinker and all people around the world were still agnostic. they greeks did not know about gods or goddesses they did not no anything there myths were made by people to signifie nature. they are symbolls. Abarham and Jesus claimed to "Know" for sure so they started religions. The olympains and asgardians are symbolls not to be taken literlley. The hindu devas are also symbolls not literall actull beings. The christain religion and abarhamicism and many fundemtelist claim to be 100% true hence religion and not mythology. most christains take much of the old testement as symbolls aswell so there is Abarhamic mythology and religion. The are Allogores and concepts for our understanting.

As for Aristotle and other greek philosophers they all beleived in a multiverse. Any new scintific discovery were new parts of creation are discovred is a multiverse and since in classicle times we have not discovred anything of that yes all greek philosophers believed in they multiverse.

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