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Extinct animals cannot die, as they are already nonliving.

Animals which would be made extinct cannot be tested on, as this would be against both national and international law everywhere.

Hence, the only possible correct answer would be zero (0).

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mice are the only animal that are endangered

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Q: How many animals have been endangered because of animal testing?
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What animal is the most endangered in the US in 20th century for product testing?

Doesn't work like that. For animal testing, you need lots of animals. And endangered animals are by definition animals that you can't get lots of. So endangered animals aren't used in animals testing. Animals used in animal testing are species like rats, rabbits, dogs, some species of monkeys. All animals that can be easily bred in captivity. And not at all endangered as a specie.

Do scientist's use endangered animals for animal testing?

There isn't any. To do animal testing, you need quite a lot of animals to get reliable results. What happens to ONE animal, once, might just be random. And if something should be discovered later on, someone might need to go back and repeat the tests. Endangered animals are animals that are rare. Either hard to find, or not many left, or both. Ignoring everything else, it'd simply be hugely impractical to use endangered animals for animal testing.

How are endangered and extinct animal similar?

Endangered and extinct animals are similar because endangered animals sometimes become extinct.

Does animal testing threaten species?

Yes because lots of animals die from animal testing witch lowers that animals species

do you care for endangered animals do you have an endangered animal .?

I do care but I do not have an endangered animal...

What animals are killed during animal testing?

yes well that's not the only reason there's hunting cars poachers animal fights cruel people real sudden environment changes but animal testing is a big part of it like dissection and testing new medicine and other experi Cancel ments

Are squids endangered because of animal testing?

not many animals are getting extinct because of animal testing but its isstill killing those poor animals what have they ever done to deserve this kind of treatment this kind of punishment !!!i think that animals are better than than humans they are not heartless like they are not cruel like us !!!we think that we are more important than animals but we are not we think that we are cleverer than animals but we are SO NOT !!!WE ARE WORSE WORSE WORSE THAN ANYONE !!!!The population in mice due to animal testing has went down alot

Do animals almost become extinct because of animal testing?


What are arguments for and against testing on animals?

Some of the arguments for are that it saves human lives, humans are superior to animals and the animals do not know that its happening. Some of the arguments against animal testing are its cruel to animals, animals have rights as well, you should treat animals the same as humans and theres alternatives out there to animal testing. On one side you have the for the other against. The opposing position against probably says it is nessacary for the animal testing because animals are about the same as humans. On the against position animal testing is wrong because it can cause the animal deadly pain and diseases. But I think there should be a human in the place of an animal because animals have feelings.

How are rainforest animals endangered in the rainforest?

some animals are endengered because animal are eating them or they are dying because people are killing them

Why do farmers not have the right to shoot endangered animals?

because if farmers shoot an endangered animal they are killing the last of that species and becides they can just relocate the animal

Does animal testing mutate the animals?

does animal testing mutate the animalsyes, it mutates the animals genes