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Q: How many argument needed for put-pixel?
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C program to draw parallel lines?

/* This is an incomplete program. The function below will draw two parallel lines, but depends on a putpixel function that is not defined here. Also of course needs a main function calling it somewhere, and all the other usual necessities. */ /* draw a line from point (x1, y1) to point (x2, y2) and another one that is (xoffset, yoffset) pixels away from it. Uses Bresenham's line algorithm and depends on a "putpixel" function */ void pline(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int xoffset, yoffset){ int n, deltax, deltay, sgndeltax, sgndeltay, deltaxabs, deltayabs, x, y, drawx, drawy; deltax = x2 - x1; deltay = y2 - y1; deltaxabs = abs(deltax); deltayabs = abs(deltay); sgndeltax = sgn(deltax); sgndeltay = sgn(deltay); x = deltayabs >> 1; y = deltaxabs >> 1; drawx = x1; drawy = y1; putpixel(drawx, drawy); putpixel(drawx + xoffset, drawy + yoffset); if(deltaxabs >= deltayabs){ for(n = 0; n < deltaxabs; n++){ y += deltayabs; if(y >= deltaxabs){ y -= deltaxabs; drawy += sgndeltay; } drawx += sgndeltax; putpixel(drawx, drawy); putpixel(drawx + xoffset, drawy + yoffset); } }else{ for(n = 0; n < deltayabs; n++){ x += deltaxabs; if(x >= deltayabs){ x -= deltayabs; drawx += sgndeltax; } drawy += sgndeltay; putpixel(drawx, drawy); putpixel(drawx + xoffset, drawy + yoffset); } } }

How do you draw line without using any predefined function?

That won't happen, you have to have a predefined putpixel (or something like that) function.

What is a strong or weak argument?

A weak argument is s choice of the end of the day. A strong argument is for many days

What was the federalists central argument in support of ratification of constitution?

we needed a central voice to represent america

How many pages does The Kalām Cosmological Argument have?

The Kalām Cosmological Argument has 216 pages.

What are the pronouns in this sentence you needed an unbiased opinion to settle your argument?

The pronouns are you (personal pronoun) and your (possessive pronoun).

How many syllables does argument have?


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What is put pixel?

The putpixel function is a specific function that is used in C++ programming. This command function is supposed to do point plotting via color definition of its specific points.

What new argument were made to support slavery?

There were many new arguments made to support slavery. Some argued that slaves were needed so that there would be enough man-power to feed the country.