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Q: How many arteries does a placenta have?
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What carries fetal blood to the placenta?

umbilical arteries

What is the name of the condition where there is only one set of blood vessels feeding the placenta during pregnancy as opposed to one into and one out of the placenta?

There are many blood vessels on the surface of the uterus which 'feed' the placenta. In the umbilical cord there are usually two arteries and one vein, the arteries taking deoxygenated blood from the fetus to the placenta and one vein taking oxygentated blood fron the placenta to the fetus. Occasionally there nmay be only a single umbilical artery which may be a sign of a kideny malformation in the fetus.

Does an umbilical artery carry oxygen?

No, Umbilical arteries take deoxygenated blood from the fetus to the placenta, it is the umbilical vein carries the oxygenated blood from the placenta to the futus.

The umbilical cord is formed by the?

umbilical cord contains two arteries and one vein. umbilican vein carries pure blood to the fetal heart and umbilical arteries carry impure blood to the placenta of the mother.

Why must the umbilical cord contain both veins and arteries?

This is to facilitate the exchange of materials between foetus and placenta.

6 structures needed for fetal circulation?

Umbilical Arteries Placenta Umbilical Vein Ductus Venosus Foramen Ovale Ductus Arteriosus

How is a baby nourished during gestation?

The placenta attaches to the child by three blood vessels that make up the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord has three blood vessels one for oxygen and nutrients from the placenta to the baby and two arteries carry deoxygenated fetal blood from the baby back to the placenta.

How many cotyledons have the placenta?

normal placenta may have 15 - 28 cotyledons

Is blood rich or poor as it travels through the umbilical cord arteries to the placenta?

The blood is extremely rich. that is why some people eat their own placenta after a child has been born because it is very nutritious and healthy. it might sound disgusting but it's true!

How many pulmonary arteries are there?

There are 2 pulmonary arteries.

How many veins and arteries are in body?


How many carotid arteries are there?

Every person has four carotid arteries