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8 Carbon atoms + 12 Hydrogen atoms = 20 atoms total

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1d ago

The element C8H12 is composed of 8 carbon atoms and 12 hydrogen atoms, totaling 20 atoms in total.

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Q: How many atoms are in the element C8H12?
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There are no "atoms in an element," but rather atoms OF an element. If you are trying to find the number of atoms in a sample of a pure element you divide its weight by its molar mass and then multiply by 6.022 x 10^23 to get the answer in atoms. The answer options are 2,3, or 4.

How many atoms are there in an element?

The number of atoms in an element depends on the element's atomic mass and the amount of the element present. One mole of an element contains approximately 6.022 x 10^23 atoms, known as Avogadro's number.

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Gold is the element gold no matter how many atoms of it you have.

What are the basic unit of a chemical element called?

many identical atoms Answer is= Atoms.

What tells you how many atoms an element has?

The atomic number of an element tells you how many protons an atom of that element contains. This number is unique to each element and is found on the periodic table. The number of protons in an atom determines the element's identity.

Name each element in glucose and state how many atoms of each element there are?

Glucose has three elements: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. It consists of 6 atoms of carbon, 12 atoms of hydrogen, and 6 atoms of oxygen.

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Rutherfordium is a single chemical element.

How many atoms are in 2 mole of potassium?

2 moles of ANY element contains 2x6.02x10^23 atoms of that element = 1.2x10^24 atoms.

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CuSO4 isn't an element.

How many atoms are in ununseptium?

Ununseptium is a synthetic element with the atomic number 117. Since it is an element, it is made up of individual atoms. However, the stability and existence of ununseptium have not been confirmed, so it is challenging to determine the exact number of atoms in a sample.

How many kinds of atoms are in an element?

Some elements have isotopes - atoms with a different number of neutrons.