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two atoms

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Q: How many atoms are present in each molecule of the compound?
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Related questions

The number of atoms of each element present in the molecule is indicated by what?

A subscript number after each atomic symbol in a formula for the compound.

What does a chemical compound formula tell you?

It tells what elements are present in a molecule and how many atoms of each element are present.

What does a chemical formula of a substance tell us?

It tells what elements are present in a molecule and how many atoms of each element are present.

How many atoms of each element make up a molecule of the compound dinitrogen tetrahydride?

The name of the compound dinitrogen tetrahydride implies that the formula of the compound is N2H4. Therefore, each molecule contains two nitrogen atoms and four hydrogen atoms.

What is importance of naming chemical formula?

A compound is a substance made up of a definite proportion of two or more elements. A chemical formula tells us the number of atoms of each element in a compound. It contains the symbols of the atoms of the elements present in the compound as well as how many there are for each element in the form of subscripts

Why is the chemical symbol of a molecule of a compound also called the chemical formula of the compound?

The chemical formula of a compound states the number and types of atoms in each molecule of a compound.

What is a combination of symbols and numbers that describes a molecule?

A combination of chemical symbols that show what elements make up a compound and the number of atoms of each element in the smallest unit of the compound is a chemical formula.

How many atoms are there of each element in the compound NO3?

In each molecule of NO3, there is one nitrogen atom and there are three oxygen atoms.

How many hydrogen atoms atoms are present in each water molecule?

There are 2 hydrogen atoms present in each water molecule. This can be seen from the formula for water H2O -- this tells us there are 2 atoms of hydrogen combined with 1 atom of oxygen

What information is given by a molecular formula?

the empirical formula and the molar mass

Which atoms and how many of each is present in a water molecule?

H2O. Two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.

What information is conveyed when you write the molecular or structural formula for a molecule?

The actual number of atoms in a molecule