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Only two type of atoms (excepting the situation with isotopes)

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Q: How many atoms are there in a mixture of two elements?
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How many atoms and elements are in salt?

There should be at least two atoms of two elements in a salt.

How many elements are in Cs3N2?

Two elements...Three Caesium atoms and two Nitrogen atoms

How many atoms and elements does N2O5 have?

There are two elements, nitrogen and oxygen. There are seven total atoms, two nitrogen atoms and five oxygen atoms.

Is a compound a kind of mixture?

yes because it is formed when atoms of two or more elements are combined.

What elements are named after geographic locations?

There are no elements named after places since an element is atoms which are all the same not a mixture of two types of atoms nor a compound which is more than three.

How many atoms of elements are found in ammonia?

There are four atoms. It contains N and H atoms.

What is the relationship between atoms elements compounds and mixtures explain?

- The atom is representative for a chemical element (more exactly for an isotope); elements are formed from atoms. - A chemical compound contain two or more chemical elements. - A mixture contain two or more compounds.

The combination of two or more atoms from the same or different elements creates?

Straight and simple. A molecule. ~Jeffers

Does a mixture only have one atom?

No, it has many atoms. A mixture is a combination of two or more things

Does mixture only have one atom?

No, it has many atoms. A mixture is a combination of two or more things

How many elements are in CuBr2?

There are two atoms of Bromine (Br) and one atom of Copper (Cu) in this compound. Thus, there are two elements, but three atoms.

How many atoms of elements of Al are in Al2SO43?

This molecule contain two aluminium atoms.