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Fack You and your moma

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Q: How many babies are born per year with color blindness?
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How many kinds of color blindness is there?


How many different color blindness are there?

there are 1000005000 kinds of blindnesses

How many males suffer from color blindness?

1 out of 10

how many males are effected by color blindness?

more than 199,546 males our color blind

Are color blindness and blindness the same thing?

No - colour-blindness is the inability of the brain to interpret correctly colours that the eyes see, or maybe the eyes have a defect in their structure that sends the wrong signals to the brain. Blindness (total?) is when the eyes are unable to send visual signals to the brain at all. Maybe the optic nerve is damaged, or the eyes themselves are damaged - there are various medical reasons for the cause of blindness.

Who does color blindness mostly effect?

Everyone can be affected by monochromatic color blindness. Monochromatic color blindness is a condition where your color blind in only one eye.

Why is red-green color blindness not contagious?

Colour blindness is a usually a genetic (hereditary) condition (you are born with it). Red/green and blue colour blindness is usually passed down from your parents. The gene which is responsible for the condition is carried on the X chromosome and this is the reason why many more men are affected than women

How many Americans are affected by color blindness?

ughh ' maybee it a lightin way to ovserveee

How many babies are born in a week?

266,000,0 babies are born in a week

Do color exists?

Color actually derives from light interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. So, yes, color exists unless a person suffers from color blindness or color vision deficiency. Color blindness affects many people in a population. For more information about how color exists, or for more information about color blindness, see the links, further down this page, under Sources and Related Links.

Does the daughter and son suffer from color blindness if their mother is suffering from the color blindness disorder?

If the mother is color blind, the son will be color blind. The daughter will only be color blind if the father is also color blind. As to if they will suffer from it, that depends on their self esteem and whether or not they choose to view themselves as a victim as their mother apparently does. It should be noted that although many people have color blindness, it is rare to actually suffer from it. One possible way that one might suffer is if s/he were attempting to disarm a bomb and could not tell what color the wires were.

How many babies born in 1 second?

There are 1,987,645 babies born in 1 second!