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Domesticated hedgehogs can have up to 9 hoglets in one litter, but the average litter size is between 3-4.

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Q: How many babies can a hedgehog have?
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How many hedgehog babies are born in a year?

Hedgehogs typically give birth to a litter of 1 to 7 babies, with an average litter size of 3 to 4 young. Hedgehogs can have multiple litters in a year, usually between 1 to 3 litters.

How many hedgehogs are in a hedgehog burrow?

One unless it is a female with babies. Hedgehogs are a solitary species.

How many hedgehog babies usually survive?

It varies widely, depending on the health of the mother, her mothering abilities, and the supply of food/etc available.

How many heads does a hedgehog have?

A hedgehog has one head.

Pregnancy for a hedgehog?

Hedgehogs are pregnant for 32- 42 days. Average pregnancy lasts about 35 days. 1-10 babies maybe born to Algerian and African Pygmy Hedgehog breeds.

Does Sonic the Hedgehog like pandas?

yes oh go on you tube type in sonic babies he hugs one

Is Amy the hedgehog having babies?

dear lord, NO. stop asking such silly questins!! If she were, it would simply be in a fanfic...

How many spikes can a hedgehog have?

A normal adult hedgehog has 5,000 to 7,000 quills.

How many times do hedgehogs poo a day?

It dependes on the hedgehog. The babies usally go more often then a full frown one. I know this because I have 1 and do lots of research. ol. Hope I helped:)

Does Sonic the hedgehog really like Princess Elise of Soleanna?

He did but at about the very end they went back in time to blow out the young flame of Iblis which changed the past and they never met. TAKE THAT SONELISE FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL YEAH I AGREE WITH THE GUY/GAL ON THE TOP, TAKE THAT SONELISE FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Plus a human and a talking hedgehog that can beat the crap out of you is stupid. If they had babies, the babies would be mutated. Half hedgehog half human, does that make sense?

How many bones does the hedgehog have?


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