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Q: How many babies can one animal have?
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How many babies does a Gila monster have at one time?

This animal is a lizzard, it lays eggs.

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How many babies does a 3toed sloth have at once?

they arnt qiut shore yet but one animal can only produse one baby at a time so most babies that a sloth can have is about 4,5,6,7 at a time

Can a animal die if they have to many babies?

It depends upon the animals.. For example spider gives birth and die but pigs gives birth of too many babies but still alive. It is not necessary dat animal die after give birth of so many babies

How many babies a can Red panda have?

Well the red bellied wood pecker is a very interesting animal. It can have eighty six babies at one time. In a life time it can have over ninety babies.

How many babies can a birthpod have?

one can have one to three babies

Which flying animal gives babies instead of eggs?

Bats. they are one of the only mammals which fly and also maybe the only flying animal to give live babies.

What animal protect their babies?

Almost every animal protects there babies.

How many off springs can an animal have?

well it depends on the animal and its life span also an animal can have as much babies as it can give birth to

How many babies do puffins have?

how many babies do puffins have?

How do you get mystery babies on Farmville?

You get them from one of your animal pens whenever you harvest it but I'm not sure which one.

How many episodes has there been of the Snow Babies television show?

The BBC documentary named Snow Babies, in which animal babies living in cold and harsh places are followed, has so far had only one episode which first aired in December, 2012.