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Q: How many bags of sunflower seeds does mr sir eat a week?
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Why would your gerbil get fat over night?

Either your gerbil is pregnant, or they have eaten too many sunflower seeds in one sitting. Try removing sunflower seeds from their diet. If they are still fat after one week, then your gerbil is probably expecting. For info on how to take care of baby gerbils, ask on this site 'How do you take care of baby gerbils?'.

How do you get sunflower seeds out of sunflowers Do you have to kill the sunflower?

When the heads are ripe: cut and tie them together and dry in the sun for a week or so. Then you can remove the seeds by either rubbing them out or by laying them on a sheet on the floor and hitting them with a stick or (clean) broom.Further drying of the seeds for another week is best. They can than be roasted or prepared for eating or long term storage.Harvesting the sunflower heads with a clean cut will not kill the plant; only the flower itself. And like any other plant that flowers, it will eventually grow more flower heads.

How many plastic bags does target use in a week?

TARGET uses over 10000 bags in a week. I know that's a lot

Does it take a week for sunflower to grow?

It takes a lot longer than a week for a sunflower plant to reach maturity.

How many bags of crisps do Tayto's make a week?

5,000,000,000 bags a week! I'm the scientist here! And i work at the factory so i would know!

How many plastic shopping bags do Canadians take home every WEEK?

i thing 54215422 bags each week so call me so we can have sex 905-794-5855

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like a million bags of it a week or something...

How many plastic bags are produced in a week?

9 cuz jabba the hutt doesn't make pickles

How long does it take for sunflowers to birth young?

it takes up to a week for a the seed to germinate, then it can take up to a month for it to turn into an actual plant, then a few weeks from then for the sunflower head to start growing. so all up it takes a few months for the sunflower to actually grow and you won't get any seeds from it until it is fully grown. :)

How much does a daisy grow in 1 week?

The sunflower grows within a week as long as you water it twice a day.

What is your current use of plastic bags?

ma current use of plactic bags is 23 a a week

Can hamsters have brocali?

yes, hamsters can but only give them small bits at a time. broccoli is a treat for them so only give it about once a week. your hamster may not like it if not try giving it sunflower seeds instead. decall (i have 8 hamsters lol)