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sulfur is atomic # 16. as a result, it forms with how many bonds wtih how many other atoms and why

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Q: How many bonds can sulpher bond with other atoms?
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When atoms bond with other atoms what do types of bonds do they form?


What kinds of bonds can carbon atoms form?

A double carbon bond is a covalent bond. Also carbon atoms can form double bonds. Carbon shares electrons with other atoms.

A carbon atom is most likely to form what kind of bond with other atoms?

Carbon usually forms covalent bonds with other atoms. The covalent bonds can be polar or nonpolar depending on the electronegativity difference between carbon and the other atoms. These covalent bonds may be single bonds, double bonds, or triple bonds. Single bonds are made of one sigma bond, double bonds are made of one sigma bond and one pi bond, and triple bonds are made of one sigma bond and two pi bonds.

Do metallic bonds bond identical atoms together?

Metallic bonds bond identical atoms together if they are both metal atoms, but not if they are other identical atoms. For example, the bonds holding two chlorine atoms together to make Cl2 are not metallic bonds.

How many bonds can Carbon form with other atoms?

Each carbon atom can covalently bond with as many as four other other atoms. Answer is 4.

What are four ways an atom can form bonds with other atoms?

By ionic bond, covalent bond, coordinate bond and hydrogen bond

How do you know what type of bond an atom has?

Atoms do not have bonds. Only compounds have bonds. it takes at least two atoms to have a bond.

A bond where atoms are lent or and borrowed?

A bond where atoms are lent or and borrowed is called an ionic bond.

Will flurione atoms form bonds?

Any atom can bond to one another, providing that they have space for another bond, because of this, atoms like carbon can have up to 4 bonds between other atoms.

Does H2S have triple bond?

No, water cann't have triple bond because sulpher is surrounded on both sides by hydrogen and it can make only two bonds..........

How many covalent bonds with other atoms is a carbon atom able to work?

Carbon can bond to a maximum of four other atoms.

What bond occurs between atoms that do not share electrons equally?

Atoms that do not easily lose electrons form covalent bonds with other atoms. That is, they share electrons.