

Best Answer

In the King James version

the word - anticipation - does not appear at all

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Q: How many books in the Bible is anticipation use?
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How many books are in the old testament of the protestan bible?

Protestants use a Bible with 39 books in the Old Testament.

How many books are in the Methodist Bible?

Methodists use the standard 'Protestant' Bible - King James Version, etc - which has 66 books within.

How many books are there in the Jehovah's Witness Bible?

Seventh-day Adventists do not have a personal Bible, they use the same Bible that all christians use.

What Bible does a Catholic use and what does a Baptist use?

Yes, they are different. The Baptist bible, or any other bible that isn't catholic for that matter, has only 66 books. The Catholic bibble has many more books. These additional books, not found in your regular bible, are called the Apocryphal. These book are said to have more historical value.

What books do Christians use?

The Bible. For example: "King James Version", or "The New World Translation"

The 72 books of the Catholic bible?

Rather than make an exhaustive list here, use your search engine and type in Catholic Bible books. Or, better yet, obtain a Catholic Bible!

What Holy Books are used in Universalism?

Christian Universalists use the Bible.

How can you use the word anticipation in a sentence?

I waited in anticipation that my claim for compensation would be agreed.

What books of the Bible are not included in Jehovah witness Bible?

Jehovah's Witnesses are use many different Bible translations, since comparing various translations often gets you a better feeling for the original Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York contains contains all 66 canonical books of the Bible.

What are the rest of books in the bible apart the 66 books?

There are no other books. However, you can find books of Apocrypha which are not part of the 66. Some religions use them and even include them in their Bible. In addition, you can find even more remote books which most do not consider Holy.

Does the present order of books in the English bible parallel the Hebrew bible?

It depends on what religion you are. The Jews use the original order of books, and the Christians use an order that was created by the early church, around the 5th Century.

Who uses the first five books of the Bible as their whole Bible?

one religion does not use the first five books exclusively. The Jews have different names for the first five books though, like the Pentateuch or the Torah