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Im pretty sure he had 5 brothers- Sir George Smyth Baden-powell, Henry Warrington Smyth Baden-Powell, Augustus- (who died when he was a young man) , Francis, and Baden Fletcher Smyth Baden-Powell and he had 1 sister called Agnes-who originally started off the Girl Guides. He also had 3 other siblings that died after him, at birth.

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Q: How many brothers did lord baden Powell have?
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How many children does Lord Baden Powell have?

Lord Baden Powell has 2 children

How many children did Lord Baden-Powell have?

The Baden-Powells had three children, one son and two daughters, Arthur Robert, Betty, and Heather

Who made the gilrl scouts?

When Sir Robert Baden-Powell started Boy Scouts and the Scouting Movement, there were many girls who also wanted to be scouts and started their own scout troops. Lord Baden-Powell thought that girls should have their own organization so he chose the name "Girl Guides" and asked his sister, Agnes Baden-Powell to help.

How many siblings did Lord Robert Baden Powell have?

The man we know today as Lord Robert Baden-Powell ("BP"), the founder of the world scouting movement, was born Robert Stephenson Smyth Powell but his family called him Stephe after his Godfather, Robert Stephenson. BP's mother was his father's 3rd wife and his Father, Reverend Baden Powell, had 4 children from a previous marriage. With Lord Baden-Powell's mother, Henrietta Grace Smyth, Rev. Powell fathered Warrington (early 1847), George (late 1847), Augustus (1849), and Francis (1850). Three more children were born but died at an early age before they had Stephe (1857), Agnes (1858), and Baden (1860). So BP had 4 half siblings who were older when he was born and that he did not know well, 4 siblings who were 6-10 years older, 3 siblings who died early (and so he never really knew them), and 2 siblings that he was especially close to being close to him in age.

Who was the 2nd girl scout of the world?

It is impossible to give a specific answer to this question. Before Lord Baden-Powell started the Girl Guide organization, there were many Girl Guide/Girl Scout troops already started.

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1 sister her name is Marilyn Powell

Was Baden Powell a Freemason?

No, although he seems to have been favourable to the organization. Many aspects of Scouting resemble Freemasony.

How many siblings did Lord Robert Baden-Powell have?

YES! Lady Badenpowell went to lord baden powells funeral b/c she loved him so much! Now i just need to know what there dogs name was? i have a few of you saying it is otto. is it really otto?

What contribution did Baden Powell make to society?

He founded the Boy Scouts, this group has done way too many hours of service to count.

Was Girl Scouts invented before Boy Scouts?

Robert Baden-Powell started the Scouting Movement (Boy Scouts) in 1908 because of his experiences in the British Army. He felt that boys could benefit from the Scout method, a program of informal education and practical activities such as camping, hiking, sports, backpacking, aquatics, and woodcraft. Many groups of girls began forming their own troops and one group of girls attended a Boy Scout rally in 1909 calling themselves "Scouts". Robert Baden-Powell felt that girls should have their own organization so he chose the name "Girl Guides" and asked his sister, Agnes Baden-Powell, to help found the Girl Guide organization in 1910. Some organizations have chosen to use "Girl Scouts" instead of "Girl Guides".

Why was the boy scouts and girl scouts founded?

The Boy Scouts were founded because Baden-Powell saw a need for getting youth involved and motivated after seeing the conditions they were living in urban London. He discovered that some youth took his military manual on scouting and were using it themselves. So he worked on a scheme to create "Scouting for Boys," tested it out on Brownsea Island in 1907 taking 22 youth form various socio-economic and living areas across England to try out his idea, and the rest is history.

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