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It take about 3500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat. So that would mean that if you lower you caloric intake by 500 calories in a week you would lose about 1 pound.

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Q: How many calories does the normal person have to burn in exercise to lose on pound of fat?
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How many calories does a 125 pound woman need to maintain weight?

about 1500 calories a day without exercise, if you do any exercise you can increase by how many calories you have burned

How many calories does a 150-pound person burn while sleeping?

a 150 pound person sleeping for 8 hours burns 489 calories.

Is it 3500 calories plus your normal daily amount of calories to gain a pound?

No. its not plus ur dail amount of calories.!

How many calories do you have to burn to lose a pound?

You need to lose or burn 3,500 calories to lose one pound of body fat.A pound of body fat contains around 3500 calories, so reducing your calorie intake by 500 per day should result in a 1lb a week reduction.If you are aiming to lose more than one pound per week, you need to engage in cardio exercise in addition to counting calories. Cardio exercise, such as walking, jogging, cross-country skiing, etc., will significantly produce weight loss.

How many calories burns 1 pound of fat?

I think you mean how much exercise burns off 1 pound, because calories make up fat, calories do not burn the fat. Calories are something you do not want too much of.

How do you lose weight in a week with exercise?

To lose a pound you need to burn 3500 calories if you want to burn a pound a week then just run off 500 calories per day

How many calories can one burn during walking exercise?

Your weight and the distance you walk determine the energy calories burned while walking. Walking speed matters less than distance and weight. A rule of thumb is 100 calories per mile for a 180-pound person and 65 for a 120-pound person. Use this calculator or see the chart at the bottom of the page.

How many calories make a person gain one pound?

3500 calories make one pound from yo girl sarah

How many calories should a 154 pound 13 year old eat a day to lose weight?

You should check out a calorie calculator to see how many you are supposed to eat. you have to burn 3500 calories to lose one pound and an exercise reference chart would tell you what exercise burns how many calories.

How many calories does a 100 pound person burn when swimming breststroke for an hour?

150 Calories.

How many calories does the average 150 pound person eat each day?

2,000+ calories

Eating around 1000 calories a day and exercise intensely every day how quickly to lose a pound?

Eating 1000 calories a day and exercising intensely is actually an unhealthy choice. The average person should consume + or - 500 calories from 2000 calories, depending on the individual person and their lifestyle. One pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories. When 3,500 calories of fat is burned, that is equal to losing one pound of fat. This should be done by eating foods with high protein and monounsaturated fats, while avoiding saturated fats, and getting physical activity on a daily basis.