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Every pound is about 3500 calories, so to burn 10 pounds, you would need to burn 35000 calories. That's about 1100 calories a day.

A half hour jog each day and changing from normal pop to diet (if you drink two pops a day) would do this.

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One pound equals approximately 3,500 3,5000 calories.

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How many Calories should be eaten dailey?

Take the weight you want to be, and multiply by 10. That's how many calories. 120 lbs = 1,200 calories 180 lbs = 1,800 calories

How many calories needed to gain 10 lbs from weight 110?

35,000 calories.

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It doesn't matter what specific exercises you select, so long as you're burning calories and working up a sweat.The key to weight lossis to eat fewer calories than you burn... the rest is just details.

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In the range of 17-70 calories per song. Depending on the song and the difficulty.

How does calories convert to lbs?

It does not. Calories are a measure of thermal energy whereas pounds are a measure of mass. The two measure different things and any attempt to convert from one to the other is seriously flawed.

How many calories does a 47 year old male need daily who is 6 feet 10 inches and weights 260 lbs?

About 1,800 calories a day.

How long does it take to lose ten pounds if you're consuming 2000 calories a day and burning 300-500?

You must burn 3,500 more calories than you consumer to lose one pound. To lose 10 lbs, that would be 350,000. At only 300 to 500 calories a day being burned (which is EXTREMELY un-realilistic), that will take you 700 to 1,200 days to do.

How can I lose 10 lbs in 10 days?

It is not healthy to lose 10 pounds in 10 days. However, in order to lose a pound a day, you must burn 3,500 calories.

Is it easy to burn calories?

It is kind of easy. Simply moving around or wiggling your toes and fingers while sitting down you are burning calories. If you go for a run you will generally lose one calorie every 10-15 seconds. You are always burning calories with whatever you do but they will be burned faster by exercising.

What is the best healthy diet to lose weight fast?

Before starting any new diet, it is recommended to consult your doctor. Losing 10 lbs. in one month is not recommended by health care professionals. The maximum amount recommended is 1-2 lbs per week. This can be accomplished by burning an extra 3,500-7,000 calories per week.

You are 5'2 weigh 135 pounds and want to weigh 125?

You need to lose 10 lbs at 3500 calories a pound.

What is the best calorie burning run I can do?

The best way to burn calories when running is to change your speed from fast to slow. Calories are burned when your muscles contract, so if you run at a constant pace, it wont change. Running fast for 10 minuts then jogging for 5 minutes will cause you muscles to work differently, thus burning more calories.