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buy weight watchers low fat tin soup. try to eat 1 for breakfast lunch and dinner.. this amounts to around 400 calories per day plus 2 or 3 fruits and only light excercise is required


This is so unbelievably stupid! you need to take in more than 400 Calories a day. You're body needs AT LEAST 1200 calories a day, otherwise it goes into starvation mode- where your bodies metabolism breaks down and it starts to store fat/sugar from anything you eat because it thinks there's a food shortage. Then when you start to eat normally it puts back on any weight you lost and more! The best way is simply to work out (via online pages) how many calories you need to take in per day. Then subtract about 400 calories from that. YOU NEED TO DO EXCERSIZE! i can't stress that enough. This will keep up your metabolic rate, and tone your body as you loose weight. This idiotic 400 cals a day diet may make you loose weight quicker, but think of all the baggy skin that will hang off you! that will only go away when you put the weight back on, and you will, if you do that diet. The best way is just a slight calorie subtraction from your daily allowance and excorsize about 4 times a week. You will loose it, and it will stay off you if you do it like that!

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Q: How many calories should you eat per day to lose 1 stone 6 pounds - which is 20 pounds - in 3 weeks?
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suck machine....

Can you eat 500 calories per day and lose 6 pounds in 2 weeks?

you would die if you ate that many calories. to lose weigh find out how many calories you should be eating for your current weight and then find out how many calories you should be eating for your target weight. slowly inch your calories down to that target weight range. and really you should ask your doctor about weight loss. to see if you even need it.

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By consuming extra calories and foods such as ice cream everyday.

How many calories should i eat a day if you want to lose 10lbs in 2 weeks?

you should eat 1100 calories a day but no bread nd u will loose 14lbs in 2 weeks

How many pounds is 250 calories?

That's about the equivalent to 0.057 pounds.

How do you lose 25 pounds in five weeks?

To lose 25 pounds in five weeks, one should lose five pounds a week. This is equivalent to losing 0.71 pounds a day.

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How long would it take to lose 5 pounds and also eating 1000 calories a day?

if you eat about 1000-1200 calories and workout around 4 days and 2 hours then you should see the weight come off in 2 weeks!!(: -good luck

How can you lose 2 stone in 5 weeks?

To lose 2 stone (28 pounds) in 5 weeks, you would need to focus on exercise every day and eating healthy. Carbohydrates and dairy may hinder weight loss if not done in moderation.

Can you lose 14pounds in 3 weeks?

You can't lose 14 pounds in 3 weeks safely. The average weight loss per week should be about 1-3 pounds.

Im 5 feet tall and weigh 126 pounds how many calories do you have to eat each day to lose 3 pounds of fat each week?

If you lead a moderately active lifestyle, than eating about 1200-1400 Calories a day will help you lose the weight in about two weeks. The math: One pound = 3500 Calories Eating 1200-1400 Calories a day = around a 700 Calorie deficiency 3500Calories/700Calories = 1 pound every 5 days About three pounds in two weeks. But when it all comes down to it, it's not the pounds that should matter. It's the physique that does. Why don't focus more on working out and building muscle and tone instead of counting the pounds? Good luck.

How do you lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks if you are nine years old?

If you are 9 years old, you should not try to lose weight unless your doctor tells you to do so. You can stunt your growth by half by lowering the amount of calories you eat.