

How many cans of canned food does a cat eat in a year?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How many cans of canned food does a cat eat in a year?
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If last year kids collected 3520 cans in a food drive and this year there was a 5 percent increase what is the number of the collected food?

A 5% increase would give 3696 cans

How often does a cat need canned food?

It depends on how old the cat is. If the cat is newborn to two months, don't feed it canned food. Infant kittens need their mother's milk. When the cat is three months to five months, one can to one and a half cans, but be sure to feed in very small but frequent meals. If the kitten is meowing fiercely, feed it one more can. When the cat is six months to one year old, two to three cans a day. When the cat is two years old and above, one and a half cans of food. This of course depends on the quality of the food. The higher the meat content, the less you will have to feed as there would be more nutrients in it.

Is canned food still good after the expiration date?

There is no magic date. It will depend on the quality of the food to begin with, the quality and type of container and the subsequent handling and storage thereof. Even canned, food will degrade and change color, texture and flavor. I have used some items that were a year past the coded date. They were edible, but I could tell the difference when compared to newer product. Many canned foods are coded with 2 and even 3 year shelf lives. But for best quality and nutrition, plan to use canned goods within a year. If you are trying to maintain a cache of canned foods, use product throughout the year and replace it with fresh stock. Use the FIFO method - First In First Out. Always use the oldest items first.

What Year was frozen food invented?

the canned food is invented in 1804 by Napoleon Di Bonaparte.

How much food does a dog eat in a year?

about 200 - 400 cans a year, depending on it's size.

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How long is can food good after the date expires?

Canned food can be good for a year or more. If it is ruined, the gases inside the can will cause the can to bulge.

How many cans are thrown away each year?


How many cans are thrown away in a year?


How many tons of aluminum cans is wasted each year?

Very few. Usually aluminum cans are used before being discarded. For example, they are filled with softdrink, then sold, and then discarded. So technically, not many aluminum cans are actually 'wasted' each year because they are 'used' in the first place.

What are some gross facts about food?

You eat at least 20 bugs a year when you eat your food. One of the most common red food dyes is called carmine and is made of ground beetles. Many soft drinks that are canned are stored in large warehouses. Rats are frequently found in these warehouses. Rats in these warehouses climb over the tops of the cans. Most people drink from the can without the use of a straw and do not often wash the top of the can before opening or drinking.