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Exactly 12 ounces.

A can of soda is just 12 ounces of water with other ingredients dissolved in it.

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14y ago

It depends on the type of soda, but most are between 30 - 50 grams.

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Q: How many carbs are in a twelve ounce soda?
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How heavy is a soda can?

A standard can of soda that is made to hold twelve ounces weighs about half of an ounce. This is the equivalent of around fourteen grams.

Does the short twelve ounce soda can weigh more than the tall slender twelve ounce beer can?

probably, because the solid rings at the top and bottom are larger on the shorter can than on the taller can


No. No calories= no carbohydrates.

How many carbohydrates are in soda?

Non-diet sodas have lots of carbs. For example, 39g of carbs for one can of Coke.

How many grams of sugar does a 20 ounce bottle of orange soda have?


How many molecules in soda?

One ounce of baking soda has 2.03228X10^23 molecules. Baking soda is also called sodium bicarbonate and its formula is NaHCO3.

How many tablespoon of baking soda in 1 ounce?

0.5 US fluid ounces ==

About how many packets of sugar are in a 12-ounce soda can?

Don't trip

Sean drinks six 12-ounce cans of soda a week How many pints of soda does he drink in a week?

Sean sure drinks a lot of soda :) lol

How many liters of soda are needed to serve 150 8 ounce drinks?

150 eight ounce drinks = 1200 total ounces of drink = 35.49 liters So 18 two liter bottles of soda or 12 three liter bottles of soda.

How many liters are a 44 ounce bottle of soda?

44 fluid ounces is 1.3 liters.

How many calories are in one ounce?

Calories and ounces are two different measures. They can not be converted. A fluid ounce or ounce of weight would contain a different number of calories based on what the substance is. An ounce of soda or chocolate has many more calories than an ounce of water or green beans.