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Q: How many carbs in a sugar busters bagel?
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Where online can one find information on the Sugar Busters diet plan?

There are many websites that contain information on the Sugar Busters Diet Plan. Among then are Web MD, How Stuff Works, About, Sugar Busters, and Every Day Health.

How many carbohydrates are in one bagel?

10000000000000000000000000000000000 a big number

What is the saltiest bagel?

The saltiest bagel is sesame. It is also high in sodium,fats,carb,and sugar. The healthiest is the jalapeno bagel. It has many vitamins and minerals, and low fat.

How many carbs in sugar free jello?


How many grams of sugar in a bagel?

roughly 40g to 50g for a 4" diameter bagel

How many carbs are in apple sauce?

Half a cup of Mott's regular apple sauce has 27g of carbs. One cup of Mott's no sugar apple sauce has 12g of carbs.

How many sugar grams in vodka?

Vodka contains no sugar, carbs, fat, cholesterol, or sodium.

Why so many carbohydrates in a bagel?

I am speculating: The relatively high number of carbs in bagel may reflect the fact that it is a relatively dense baked good - it weighs more per unit volume than, say, most breads. So it has more "stuff" in it per unit volume - meaning more carbs per unit volume.

How many carbs are in one sugar packet?

there is no set answer. it all depends on which sugar packet you are talking about, there are all different kinds of sugar and different packets.

How many carbohydrates are in a teaspoon of cinnamon?

One teaspoon of cinnamon sugar has 3g of carbs.

How many grain servings is in a bagel?

Depends on the bagel. An 'average' bagel (such as a Dempsters bagel) is four servings of grains.