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It should be: how many children has she got.

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Q: How many children have she got in subject verb agreement it is corret or not?
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Which one of the following sentences includes an error in subject-verb agreement?

The sentence "The book on the table is have many pictures" has an error in subject-verb agreement. The verb "have" should be replaced with "has" to match the singular subject "book."

Is this correct pronoun they has many books?

The correct sentence would be "They have many books." This uses the correct subject-verb agreement, where "they" is a plural subject and "have" is the appropriate verb form.

Give examples of the final rule subject agreement rule?

many a true word is spoken in jest

How many children can a Japanese woman have?

As many as she'd like to, subject to what biology. There is no law in Japan limiting the amount of children women can have.

How many percent of British children like Religious studies?

Many, 69% have to do RS as a compulsory GCSE subject and many choose out of option to do as well. Overall, 87% of school children studying RS enjoy the subject.

Why is subject agreement and verb agreement important?

Subject and verb agreement are important in language because they ensure clarity and coherence in communication. When the subject and verb agree in terms of number and person, it helps the listener or reader to understand the relationship between the subject and the action being performed. Inconsistent agreement can lead to confusion and make the sentence difficult to understand.

How many syllables are in the word agreement?

There are 3 syllables in "agreement."

What are the statutory laws for a divorce in Alabama?

The qeustion is simple but the answer is too complex and there are too many variables to start quoting the entire body of the law here. Contested - or uncontested Children - or no children. Agreement on custody - or no agreement. Etc, etc, etc. SUggest that you contact you local Clerk of COurt office for the proper forms or consult with an attorney.

How many pages does The Transfer Agreement have?

The Transfer Agreement has 194 pages.

Why do you need to master the subject-verb agreement?

Mastering subject-verb agreement is important because it ensures that your sentences are grammatically correct and clear. When subjects and verbs agree in number (singular or plural), it helps to maintain the clarity and coherence of your writing. Consistently applying subject-verb agreement enhances the overall quality and effectiveness of your communication.

Is the following sentence a correct subject-verb agreement The product introduced on many television programs is promoting instant results?

Yes, your sentence has the correct verb to agree with the subject. The subject is "product," which is singular, so it needs a singular verb, "is." The word "programs" is not the subject. It is part of a prepositional phrase modifying the subject "product."

How many pages does Gentleman's Agreement - novel - have?

Gentleman's Agreement - novel - has 275 pages.