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Q: How many chromosomes in meiosis 1 metaphase 1?
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What is the activity of chromosomes in metaphase 1 of meiosis?

In Mitosis during Metaphase, the chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate, but without their homologues. In Meiosis during Metaphase I, the tetrads line up on the metaphase plate. Then it's back to double-stranded chromosomes lining up in Metaphase II. I

In which stage do chromosomes independently assort?

Metaphase I during meiosis

Does metaphase of mitosis meiosis 1 or meiosis 2 have the haploid number of chromosomes at the equator of the spindle?

meiosis 1

During what phase of meiosis do replicated homologous chromosomes line up next to each other at the cell's equator-?

It is during the anaphase of meiosis that the replicated homologous chromosomes line up next to each other at the cell's equator.

In the metaphase of meiosis 2 and meiosis 1 how do they differ?

metaphase 1 occurs only in mitosis. the metaphase 2 is in meiosis. in metaphase 1, spindle fibers align the homologous chromosomes along the equator so that two chromosomes are on one side, and the other two are on the other side whereas in metaphase 2 spindle fibers align them along the equator so that all four chromosomes get cut in half.

Does metaphase of mitosis meiosis 1or meiosis2 have the haploid number of chromosomes at the equator of the spindle?

meiosis 1

Homologous chromosomes pair and undergo crossing over during?

Paired homologous chromosomes are found at the spindle equator during metaphase. During metaphase the chromosomes line up on the plate and attach to the fully formed spindle.

How does the alignment of chromosomes differ at the equator between metaphase of mitosis and metaphase of meiosis 1?

In prophase the membrane of nucleus disappears, then the nucleus too, chromosomes unwrap, collocation of spindle apparatus is completed. In metaphase: chromosomes line up on equatorial cell-plate. there is very little difference

How many chromosomes would a cell have during metaphase 1 of meiosis if it has 12 chromosomes during interphase?

Meiosis is known as a reduction division. The total number of chromosomes present prior to meiosis is reduced in half at the end of meiosis. In this case 12 pairs of chromosomes before meiosis (a total of 24 chromosomes) becomes 12 chromosomes (one of each pair) at the end of meiosis.

Is the behavior of chromosomes during metaphase 1 and anaphase 1 of meiosis the basis of Mendel's laws?


The process of cell division that creates genetic variety in cells is what?

Genetic variation occurs due to crossing over at prophase 1 and independent assortment of homologous chromosomes at metaphase 1. Both prophase 1 and metaphase 1 are stages of meiosis 1, in which homologous chromosomes are separated.

How does metaphase 1 differ from metaphase in mitosis?

In mitosis metaphase the mitotic spindel attaches to one side of a pair of chromosomes and seperates them so that one chromosome ends up on each side. In metaphase 1 of meiosis, the mitotic spindel only attaches to one pair of chromosomes from one side, so that when anaphase occures that pair of chromosomes will end up on one side. overall - mitosis metaphase- chromosomes split - meiosis metaphase 1- chromosome pair stay together and end up one side of the cell.