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Q: How many clauses are in the U.S. constitution?
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What are 2 clauses dealing with freedom of religion?

There are two clauses dealing with freedom of religion in the Constitution of US. First one is Establishment Clause and the second one is Free Exercise Clause.

What changes the Constitution'?

The amendments that are brought to certain clauses are the things that change the constitution. There are many changes that have been made to the constitution of the United State, the 17th amendment is one of the most popular amendments.

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Clauses added to the Constitution to address specific issues known as?

Amendments are added to the Constitution to address specific issues.

How many individuals signed the Constitution?

39 delegates signed the US Constitution.

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How many words are in article 4 of the constitution?

How many words are in article 4 of the US Constitution

What amendment has the Incorporation Clause?

None of the Amendments to the US Constitution refer to incorporation directly; however, the US Supreme Court has interpreted the Fourteenth Amendment Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses to apply the Bill of Rights to the States (incorporation). For more information, see Related Questions, below.

How many states had to approve the US Constitution?

Article VII of the US Constitution required 9 states to ratify the Constitution for it to be effective.

How many there are to amend constitution?

Answer(for the US Constitution) 27 (as of year 2010)

How many Framers were there for the Constitution of the US?

There are 53 framers in the U.S. Constitution

How many times the preamble to the US Constitution was amended?

The preamble to the US Constitution has never been amended.