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Q: How many clutches do need for cockatiel before they lay egg?
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Do a cocktails eggs need to stay worm?

Yes, cockatiel eggs need to be kept warm. :}

What supplies do you need to care for a cockatiel?

Please see the Related Links for websites that should provide you with plenty of information about caring for pet cockatiels. You should make sure that you have the space and the time before adopting any pet. You should visit your local library and find relatively recent books about caring for cockatiels. They too are a very good resource.

Cockatiel has lump between wings above tail feathers?

i need help with this question

Why is your cockatiel not very tame?

Cockatiels are wild birds so if they were never tamed when they were young, they will still be untame. It is easier to tame a young cockatiel, however with the right attitude, you can tame an adult cockatiel. You have to start with trust. Taming a cockatiel take a while and one wrong move could ruin all your work. Start with standing next to the cage and talking to your bird. Do this for about a week so your cockatiel gets to know your voice and is calmer around you. Then you could try putting a fresh vegetable (in your hand) next to the cockatiel and hold it there. Don't force the cockatiel to get closer to your hand - this will scare him/her. You need to earn trust. Eventually, your cockatiel will be comfortable with you having your hand near him/her. If you cockatiel is comfortable to actually eat from your hand, you can try picking it up. Do not grab our cockatiel on its back, try to persuade him/her to sit on your finger. Do not force your cockatiel to get onto your hand. This will ruin the trust. Eventually your cockatiel will be ready to sit on your finger and eventually your shoulder! It's all about trust and if you're cockatiel trusts you, it would love to sit on your shoulder!

Is A Cockatiel Endangered?

Cockatiels are not endangered, partly due to the fact that they can have multiple clutches of eggs per season, and they generally lay 3-6 eggs at a time. Cockatoos - specifically black cockatoos - are endangered in the wild. Several rehab and captive breeding programs exist both in Australia and in other nations, but bird care can be expensive so these groups need your support.

Your sled is reving out when at a slow speed any ideas?

worn belt or your clutches need to be rebuilt

What is the purpose of cockatiel cage?

The purpose of having a cockatiel cage is because they need plenty of room to move around and so you can put objects in the cage so they can climb. The birds love to have plenty of things to do in their cages.

What does it mean when cockatiel eggs are hot?

that they are still alive and they still need heat and that they will still hatch eventually.

How do you put clutch oil in a transit?

Clutches don't usually need oil. Check your vehicle manual !

Does a cockatiel need pairs?

Cockatiels do not need anything to have a mate. Just put him/her in the cage with your cockatiel, however, if you want them to mate, they will not mate if you do not have a nesting box. In order to breed cockatiels, you will need a nesting box.

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