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As Britain is an island there is only one coast which goes all the way round.

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Q: Which county in great Britain has 2 coasts?
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What war is Great Britain World War I or World War 2?

Great Britain, or more correctly The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, was involved in both World War 1 and World War 2.

How many Britain's are in the world?

There are at least two: (1) Great Britain; and, (2) Britain, Virginia, USA.

Who did Great Britain make an alliance with in World War 2?

America, France and Canada all fought with Great Britain.

Why did the delcaration of independence take place?

In order to: 1. Announced our independence from Great Britain 2. Declared our independence from Great Britain 3. Say that the United States is free from Great Britain

Who was the king during world war 2?

George VI was king of Great Britain during World War 2.

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World War 2 was of two alliances. The Axis, and the Allies. Great Britain and U.S.A were on the Allies side.

Where did Great Britain finish in the medals table at Beijing 2008?

1. China 2. America 3. Russia 4. Great Britain

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Great Britain and France

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Great Britain declared war on Germany in September 1939 after Germany invaded Poland.

What was the name of the Great Britain's government during World War 2?

Britain had a coalition government during World War 2

Figure head of great Britain?

Queen Elizabeth 2.