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Q: How many cocoa beans were needed to buy a rabbit?
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How many cocoa beans did the aztects make?


How many cocoa beans does it take to buy a bar of chocolate?


How many cocoa beans are produced in a year by Africa?

4000 tonnes

How many coco beans are in a chocolate bar?

It takes approximately 400 cocoa beans to make a 1 pound chocolate bar.

What is unique about Callebaut cocoa powder?

Callebaut cocoa powder is unique because it is a high quality product that can be used as ingredients for many different applications. They are based on the finest selection of cocoa beans.

How many cocoa beans would you trade for 10 pumpkins?

well i would say 6

To make 12 ounces of hot chocolate 3 tablespoons of cocoa are needed. How many tablespoons of cocoa are needed to make 72 ounces of hot chocolate?

To make 12 ounces of hot chocolate, 3 tablespoons of cocoa are needed. How many tablespoons of cocoa are needed to make 72 ounces of hot chocolate?

Does Nestle cocoa powder contain nuts?

Simple cocoa powder does not contain any dairy products, but only powdered, processed cocoa (cacao) beans. However, there are many commercial products with some version of "cocoa" in the name, such as "Hot Cocoa," "Cocoa Mix," or "Instant Cocoa" that do contain a high percentage of dairy. The safe thing to do is to read the ingredients listed on the product's label.

What fruit and vegetable grow on trees?

apples,pears,mangoes,cocoa beans many more this is a dumb question.

How does a cocoa bean grow?

Chocolate is made of Cacao beans, and cacao beans grow near the equator. Some places that are well known for growing chocolate or Costa Rica and Equator.

What are Cocoa Beans eaten by?

Used to make cocoa drinks until they got to Europe long ago when it was discovered how to make them into chocolate bars. The easiest answer is 'humans' but it seems the chemicals in cocoa and coffee beans are there to prevent being eaten by many animals, so that the beans could seed. However, due to their action in humans, humans have chosen to spread them much further than they would have otherwise, most likely.

What corps did the Aztecs raies?

They raised a large variety of things, many tropical fruits, cocoa beans and sugar cane.