

Best Answer

The tropical oceans lie between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

The central portions of the Atlantic and the Pacific and the Indian ocean lies in the Tropic.

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Q: How many collard greens to feed 20 people?
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How many people enjoy cooking and eating collard?

No one can determine how many people like collard or turnip greens. It tends to be more popular in the southern states but turnip greens are available anywhere in the United States.

How many pounds of collard greens to feed 150 people?

I'd say about 6 lbs. (I did 2 32oz bags of Glory greens and 1 16oz bag. Was just under 50 people and they were just about gone so, for 50, I'd add another 16 oz to equal 6 lbs)

How many pounds of collard greens do you need to feed 15 people?

figure about 1/2 pound per person so approx. 7 lbs. More if you want leftovers.

How many pounds of collard greens in a bushel?


How many types of collard greens grown in georgia?


How many calories are in 1 cup collard greens?

Approximately 20 calories.

How many cups is a bunch of collard greens?

About 2 cups.

How many pounds are in a bushel of collard greens?

a bushel of collard greens weigh 30 pounds

In a cup of collard greens how many calories?

25 calories per half cup

What do collard greens look like?

Collard greens look like lettuce. Pictures: Collard greens are various loose-leafed cultivars of Brassica oleracea (Acephala Group), the same species as cabbage and broccoli. The plant is grown for its large, dark-colored, edible leaves and as a garden ornamental, mainly in Brazil, Portugal, the southern United States, many parts of Africa, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, southern Croatia, Spain and in Pakistan, as well as in Kashmir region of both India and Pakistan. They are classified in the same cultivar group as kale andspring greens, to which they are closely similar genetically. The name "collard" is a shortened form of the word "colewort" (cabbage plant).

Are rutabaga greens edible?

It is only safe to eat raw food is if you wash it the right way and carfuly

How many large pans of collards greens will feed 200 people?

What is a large pan , 8 cups, 16 cups, a gallon - - -