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The rule is 1 inch per gallon. So if a fish is 2 inches then it gets 2 gallons, and so on. Also know that goldfish are extremely dirty fish and for a small 5 gallon tank it would be best to have only 1 or 2.

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Q: How many commet goldfish can you keep in 5 gallons?
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How many goldfish can you keep in one tank?

One goldfish needs at least 20 gallons, and then it's an additional 10 gallons per goldfish added after (so 30 gallons for 2 goldfish).This is not only because of the size that they can grow, which is big, but also because they are messy fish and produce a high amount of waste

How many fish can you put in the 20 gallon tank?

1 goldfish. It may seem tiny now, but they grow up to be around 6 inches. Add 10 gallons for each additional goldfish. Example: 20 gallons + 2 more goldfish (10 gallons) = 40 gallons and 3 goldfish total.

How many comet goldfish can you keep in a 120 liter tank?

Comet goldfish grow to be around a foot long. 120 liters is about 30 gallons so I say about 2. Get fancy goldfish because you could do even five in a tank that size because they don't get as big.

How many goldfish can you keep in a 14 gallon tank?

I would personally say none, not for their entire lives anyway. You may get away with 2 Fancy Goldfish juveniles for a couple of months, but really Fancy Goldfish need a minimum of 20 gallons each and Common/Comet Goldfish a minimum of 55 gallons each for their entire lives! They get very big, are very messy and need a lot of water volume!

How many goldfish can i put in a small pond that holds 1000 gallon's?

Goldfish need plenty of room to swim around and get very large. In a 1000 gallon pond you could put 25-50 goldfish just keep in mind that goldfish grow very large and need about 20-30 gallons each when full grown.

How many goldfish should you keep in a fish bowl?

It depends how big your bowl is if it is below 5 gallons then you should put one. But if it is 1 or 2 gallons then you will have to move it into a 5 gallon tank or bowl at the least.

How many goldfish can live in a 1.77 gallon tank?

None; that would work for one betta fish, but not a goldfish.One goldfish needs 20 gallons alone, plus 10 gallons per additional fish (so 30 gallons for 2 goldfish).It's not just about their size potential, but the fact that they produce a high amount of waste.

How many fishes does a goldfish have?

Fancy goldfish need at minimum 20 gallons for one fish, plus 10 gallons for each additional goldfish you are adding (thus 30 gallons for 2 goldfish); so the answer to your question is dependant on the size of your tank.

How many goldfish can you keep in a twenty liter tank?


How many goldfish can live in a one gallon tank?

20 gallons for one fish and 10 gallon for each addition goldfish. See the related link for further information.

What type of goldfish are at the fair?

there are sooo many types of gold fish and 1 is the commet and the koie and the zoozoo and the blook and the mroon and the sanjeo and the wahtser and wilter and shng and soloed and deeso and mogeyleeand much much more

Haw many goldfish can live in a 2.5 gallon tank if any?

None. Goldfish should have a minimum of ten gallons of water per fish if you wish for them to live out their full lifespan of ~20 years.