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about 20 is optional but you can feed them how ever much u want

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Q: How many crickets can a bearded dragons eat in one day?
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Bearded dragon how often should you feed the crickets and give them water?

Every day. Make sure you clean out their water bowls or tubs or whatever you have the bearded dragons water in.

Do bearded dragons play around?

Young bearded dragons or Hatchlings will be VERY active. Adults will show action some of the day but usually spend most of their time basking. most beardies show their most action when they are fed. Especially live food like crickets and mealworms.

What age do you stop feeding crickets to bearded dragons?

Ok don't listen to that person they don't know much about bearded dragons. I Feed them 3 crickets a day each, sometimes more, sometimes less. As adults they should eat 3 the same except way bigger. As babies, your bearded dragons should be fed a good amount of crickets, but you should try to feed them more vegetables. It is true that the younger your baby bearded dragons are, the more protein from insects they need; but if you do not get them started on greens, they will not want to eat them as much when they get older. You should probably feed them crickets twice or three times a week, and try to feed them vegetables every other day in order to provide them with the right nutrients

Can Bearded Dragons eat Kiwi?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat kiwi but only ever so often because kiwi is high in oxalates which binds with calcium. So to answer your question you can feed your bearded dragon kiwi, just not every day.

How to train beared dragons to eat pellets?

Pellets consist mainly of corn, which shouldn't be a Beardie's staple food. Feed your Bearded Dragon as many crickets as it'll eat in 10-15 minutes (once a day for an adult, three times a day for a baby) and offer Collards, Mustard Greens, and/or Dandelion Greens every day. Be sure to mist the greens with water and dust the crickets with calcium powder.

Can bearded dragons eat locusts?

Beardies really shoudn't be fed locusts superworms, mealworms, crickets, and waxmoth larvae are best

Is it okay to feed a bearded dragon crickets that have eaten food om the same day?

Yes, you can feed crickets that have eaten food on the same day that you feed them to the bearded dragon. It helps the dragon to get more food. It's called gut loading, because you are loading the crickets' guts with extra food that the dragon can use. There is a substance that you can sprinkle onto the crickets before you feed them to the dragon. You can check with your pet store for that.

You feed your bearded dragon 6 crickets a day he is just under a year old is this enough?

In fact this is quite a lot, I feed my 1 1/2 year beardie four crickets a day and a lot of veg

How often does bearded dragons eat?

I have a lovely healthy Beardie of my own so my advice is for an adult bearded dragon.... EVERY OTHER morning give him/her 4-5 locusts or crickets. On the mornings you aren't giving it live food, give it either vegetables dusted with a calcium supplement or special formulated Bearded Dragon pellets that provide a nutritional diet. Any other Inquiries? Contact me :D

Can bearded dragons eat cantelope?


Do komodo dragons hibernate?

with their eyes shut and on the ground

How many crickets do baby bearded dragons eat?

It all depends on the sizes of the crickets, so I'll make large ones "A)" and small ones "B)". When they are new borns, they should get A) 1-2 a day and B) 2-4 a day. Never feed them anything much larger than the space between their eyes (if food is long horizontally long but vertically short and vice verca, it should be OK). With each half inch longer the baby grows, it needs B) one or two more in it's daily diet. Or, A), one or two more a day with every FULL inch. Hope it helped