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There is no such thing as an "average" dairy cow. As such this leaves this question virtually unanswerable because it depends on various factors including:

  • Weight of the cow
  • Body condition of the cow (thin or fat)
  • Cow's rate of intake or daily rate of intake (which is affected by the cow's weight and body condition, as mentioned above, as well as breed)
  • If the cow is lactating or not
  • Quality of the hay (high protein low fibre or vice versa)
  • Weight (which can affect size) of the hay bale
  • If the cow is being supplemented with other feed or not
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Q: How many days does an average dairy cow take to finish a round bale of hay?
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How do you decorate a round hay bale?

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q 4'x6' round bale makes 25 bales a 5'x6' makes 30 bales

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It depends on well it is packed and whether it's in the form of a large round bale, a small square bale or a large square bale. As such the question is quite impossible to answer.

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Here in Wisconsin it is going for around $35 a bale.

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How long does it take a horse to eat a round bale?

There is no one answer to that question. It's dependant on too many things, such as the season and weather temperature, the size and eating habits of your horse, as well as how much other grazing or food he or she is getting and if they have unlimited, 24-hour access to the round bale, (which is not recommended) Generally, (and this can vary quite drastically) one round bale of hay will last an average sized horse 5 - 6 weeks. Two horses - about a month or so, Three horses - about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks, etc. *This is assuming that the round bale does not get ruined by rain and the horses urinating and defacating on it, etc.

How many slices of hay is in an average hay bale?

There is not one answer to this question. Bales can range anywhere from 50 lbs to 2000 lbs..

How many pounds are a round bale of hay?

It depends on how big a bale gets. Some large round bales can weigh up to a ton (2000 lbs), others a little lighter, like around 1200 lbs.

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Depends on the charge...

How many small square bales of hay are in a large square bale?

It depends on a lot of different factors, including the type of forage you're baling, where you live, soil quality and type, forage type, whether or not you irrigated and/or fertilized, and so on. Plus, not all round balers are the same. Some will drop heavier bales than others.