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it take 1week to 2weeks

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Q: How many days will it take for a puppy to open their eyes?
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When do puppy's eyes first open?

10 to 14 days

How many days can a newborn puppy see?

You mean how long until they open their eyes? If so, they open their eyes around 2 weeks after they're born.

When will a German Short Hair puppy open its eyes?

Puppies open their eyes at different times. They can open their eyes anywhere from seven days to two weeks after birth. It varies depending on the breed and individual puppy.

When do puppy's open there eye's?

Their eyes actully open within a few days.

How do you help a puppy open its eyes for the first time if abandon?

If its a new puppy the eyes will open on their own,if a older puppy (more than 14 days) then clean the eyes with a clean warm cloth with nothing on the cloth make sure they are all wiped clean then they should open.

When will a chihuahua pup's eyes open?

According to Yahoo! Answers, a puppy's eyes will open after they are born, ten (10) days after they are born.

When happens if a puppy dont open its eyes within 12 days?

it cant see

When does a pitbull puppy get his hearing?

Puppies open their eyes days after they are born but the hearing is there right when they are borne.

How old will a puppy be before he opens his eyes?

On average it happens around the two weeks of age. It can happen as soon as one week, and as late as three weeks.Puppies open their eyes at around 12 days of age.For a normal healthy puppy they should open their eyes around 2 weeks of age (14 days old)It takes about a week to two weeks before a new born puppy opens its eyesThey open the eyes in about 2 weeks (14 days) or maybe later or ealier but usually 2 weeks. New born puppies also start to hear a week after they open their eyes (3 weeks, 21 days).Puppies open their eyes at around 12 days of age.For a normal healthy puppy they should open their eyes around 2 weeks of age (14 days old)It takes about a week to two weeks before a new born puppy opens its eyesThey open the eyes in about 2 weeks (14 days) or maybe later or ealier but usually 2 weeks. New born puppies also start to hear a week after they open their eyes (3 weeks, 21 days).

How long does it take for a chihuahua puppy to open their eyes?

2 weeks half open 2 weeks 5 days fully open

How long does it take for border collies to open their eyes?

Well, on average, newborn pups open their eyes at about 2 weeks.

Is a two week old puppy blind if its eyes are NOT open?

A two week old puppy is blind but when its eyes open it can see.