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Q: How many degrees East of the equator is New York?
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How many total degrees in the equator?

360 degrees. From Greenwich (London) 180 degrees west and 180 degrees east.

How many degrees of longitute is there?

360 total, 180 degrees west of prime meridian, and 180 degrees east. There are 180 degrees of latitude, 90 degrees north of the equator, and 90 degrees south.

Does the sun rise exactly in the east or a few degrees off?

Depending on your latitude and the date, the direction of sunrise ranges from MANY degrees north or south of East, to directly east. The sunrise in Maine at the Summer Solstice can be 40 degrees north of East, and as many degrees south at midwinter. If you are close to the equator, then the sunrise is never all that far off of East.

How many degrees of longitude do you have east and west of the equator?

The equator is a latitude reference, not a longitude reference. There is some point on the equator with every possible longitude. The reference for longitude is the Prime Meridian. Longitudes are measured east of it up to 180°, and west of it up to 180°.

How many degrees is Nigeria from the equator?

About 8 degrees north of the Equator.

How many degrees latitude is the equator from the poles?

The equator is 90 degrees of latitude from both poles.

How many degrees is the equator on the map?

Zero degrees

How many degrees the south of the equator is the south pole?

The south pole is 90 degrees south of the equator. The north pole is 90 degrees north of the equator.

How many countries fall in 140 degrees east north of the equartor?

Between the north pole and the equator, the 140 East meridian crosses territory in Russia and Japan. South of the equator, the same meridian crosses, Indonesia, Australia, and Antarctica.

How many degrees north or south of the equator is Montevideo?

It is below the equator.

How many degrees is the equator?


How many degrees latitude is the equator found at?

0 Degrees