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Q: How many different protestant denominations are there worldwide?
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How many different protestant denominations are there?

There are thousands of Protestant denominations.

How many protestant denominations in the world?

There are thousands of Protestant denominations in the world.

What are the names of the Christianity?

THE RELIGIONS OF CHRISTIANITYThese are the: CatholicBorn-AgainAglipayansSeventh Day AdventistsOrthodoxProtestants

How many different types of Christianity are there in America?

Christianity is the name of the core 'religion.' However, within it there are over 30,000 worldwide organizations/buildings calling themselves Christian with each have some degree of differences.

What type of churches use baptistry?

Many different denominations use baptism and thus the "baptistry". Most common is the "Baptist" denomination, however, you will find that most protestant denominations baptise.

How many protestants are there in the world?

over 30,000 churches worldwide

What is the meaning of the word denominations?

In a general sense, "denominations" refers to different categories or groups within a larger entity, often used in the context of religious or financial institutions. For example, within Christianity, there are various denominations such as Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox. In finance, denominations can refer to the different values of currency or securities.

Main sects of Christianity?

A recent poll found over 30,000 churches/organizations claiming to be Christian worldwide. Of these, the largest/main 'sects' would be Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox and Fundamental/Evangelical.

What are some examples of Protestant religions?

Strictly speaking "denomination" is the better term for your question than "religion". Denominations are the subdivisions or varieties within a religion. Within Christianity there are many denominations. The denominations which are called Protestant share common roots in the Reformation of Roman Catholicism in the 16th century. Some examples of Protestant denominations would include: Lutheran, Baptist, Anglican/Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Evangelical Reformed, Methodist, and Congregationalist.

How many different denominations of Christianity in Wakefield?

According to David Barrett there are ~ 33,820 denominations.

Among the protestant denominations that grew rapidly during the second great awakening were?

Some of the Protestant denominations that experienced rapid growth during the Second Great Awakening include the Methodists, Baptists, and Disciples of Christ. These denominations emphasized personal salvation, emotional revival experiences, and grassroots evangelism, which resonated with many individuals during this time.

How many protestant churches are there in the world?

Protestants account for forty percent of the global Christian population. Nearly eight hundred million worldwide identify as being Protestant in some way.