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Sliders need a varied diet not just one type of food. As they get older - they become more vegetarian in their dietary needs. A comprehensive list of food items can be found in the Wikipedia entry on the species (see related link)

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Q: How many earth worm can young red ear slider turtle eat daily to be a meal Or how many crickets will be enough for young red ear slider to eat daily?
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What does a 6 month old red ear slider turtle eat?

A commercial diet such as Reptomin Turtle Pellets. A good supplement is Turtle Bites, which are made of fruits and vegetables. It will also eat red leaf lettuce, which can be given daily. Other fruits and vegetables can be offered but should be limited to once a week.

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How many crickets does a baby gecko get daily?

About one or two depending on how small the little fella is.

What to feed your baby pet turtle?

It depends on what type of turtle it is. At young ages though most turtles are mainly carnivorous, so turtle food brands like Wardleys or ReptoMin are often suggested. Remember though when feeding that large amounts of protein causes shell deformation and internal organ stress (and in severe cases failure). A good guide to avoiding this problem is only feeding the turtle how much would fit inside the head if it was hollow once daily until around 6 months of age, and then every other day after that. A good site to tell you the individual turtle species needs and care requirements is Austins Turtle Page.

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Sharks eat turtles on a daily basis.

What is a habitat of a turtle like?

for my turtle any way i wanted it but make shure its warm

How should an adult bearded dragon be fed daily if its fed a pinky once a month should the crickets still be fed daily except for the week of the pinky feeding or no?

The pinky is simply a 'treat' on top of its normal diet. Although you don't have to feed it on pinkies, if you are - feed it the pinky first, then 'top up' with a few crickets.

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How much does a scorpion eat daily?

A baby scorpion eats loads of micro crickets. A adult scorpion eats loads of meal worms.

When and how feed and water for gecko?

yes, you feed them every day, 2 meal worms, or 2 crickets every day, water them daily.