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Q: How many egg cells does a female sheep have ready for fertilisation before mating occurs?
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Where fertilisation occurs in a butterfly?

Fertilization of eggs in butterfly reproduction occurs during a vigorous mating ritual. The female butterfly then lays and abandons her eggs.

What type of fertilisation occurs in elephants?

Like all mammals, elephants employ internal fertilisation.

What is a external fertalisation?

External fertilization occurs when the egg is fertilized by the sperm outside of the female's body. As when a female fish deposits her eggs on the ground and the male fish ejaculates his sperm over the eggs. Internal fertilisation occurs when the sperm fertilizes the egg inside the female's body. Which is what mammals do, including human beings.

How does fertilisation occurs?

Fertilization occurs when a sperm cell and an ovum fuse, resulting in a fertilized egg.

What is the length of and occurrence of the menstrual cycle of a giant panda bear?

The mating season is between March and May, when a female goes into estrus, which lasts for two or three days and only occurs once a year. When mating, the female is in a crouching, head-down position as the male mounts her from behind.

Does platypus fertilization happen internal or external?

Platypus fertilisation occurs internally.

Why does a stag produce over 200million sperms?

To make sure fertilisation occurs

Where is the normal site of ferilisation in a womans reproducative system?

fertilisation occurs in the fallopian tubes

Where is the male and female eagle reproduction organ located?

The male eagle had a cloaca, at the base of the tail. The female had one as well. Mating occurs as the cloacas press together, allowing the reproductive activity to follow. With eagles mating is external, not internal like other mammals.

What is preferential mating, as it occurs in chickens and turkeys?


Does a platypus have a mating ritual?

Yes. Platypus courtship rituals involve the male chasing the female around in a circle. They have a complex system of side-passing, under-passing and over-passing each other, until the male finally grasps the female's tail in his bill, and they continue circling tightly until mating occurs.

How do lobsters reproduces?

The lobsters reproduces sexually with the mating season being summer time. The males will deposit the sperm under the females and the eggs are fertilized.