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Q: How many eggs does a fruit fly lay at once?
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Why does fruit fly lay eggs on a fruit?

Its a fruit fly

How many fruit fly offspring can one fruit fly have?

The female fruit fly lays 400 eggs every 16 days.

How many eggs can fruit flies lay?

a fruit fly can lay 17000 eggs in 10 days

Describe the fruit fly life cycle?

A fruit fly can live up to 40-50 days. A female fruit fly will lay her eggs on a piece of fruit or decaying organism. The eggs will hatch into larvae, eat from the fruit and grow into a full grown adult fruit fly.

Where were the eggs of fruit fly deposited?

On the overripe fruit walls

Is a fruit fly a mammal?

No. Flies do not have live births, they lay eggs.

Can fruit flies lay eggs in humans?

A fruit fly will not lay eggs in humans because they would not be able to stay still on a human long enough. A human would get the fly off of them before they would have a chance to lay eggs.

How do fruit flies get on fruit?

Fruit flies are attracted to the smell of the fruit, they fly to the fruit to get to it. There they breed and lay their eggs so some fruit flies are born on the fruit.

How many eggs can a fruit fly lay?

under lab conditions more then a thousand, in the wild... who knows? much less

What if insects laid eggs deep within your cerebral cortex?

If depends on the type of insect of course. If it's the eggs of a fruit fly then nothing. If it's the eggs of a blow fly then you are in for a gruesome death.

Are fly eggs poisonous?

No. In fact, pretty much everyone eats them, with fruit, or in fruit juice and the like - you know how fruit flies can appear out of nowhere? They have to hatch first. The eggs are very tiny and completely harmless.

How has the fruit fly impacted the native Florida ecosystem it has invaded?

The Mexican Fruit Fly attaches itself to fruit such as grapefruit, and deposits its eggs, destroying the fruit for consumption. They are long living and produce enormous numbers of offspring. Infestations are not controlled easily.