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Q: How many eggs need for 1 kg BUTTER cake?
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Related questions

What other ingredients do you need in a cake mix?

Eggs flour sugar butter yummy!

When baking a cake you need 4 eggs to make a cake that will feed 24 people How many eggs will you need to bake a cake that will feed 54 people?

9 eggs. You simply need to take 54, and divide it by 24 to find out by how much you are multiplying the recipe. 2.25. And then multiply the amount of eggs, 4, by 2.25, and thus you reach 9.

How many eggs equal a pound in a pound cake?

Well many eggs are needed It depends what eggs they are If they are chicken eggs then you will need more than if they were goose eggs So that's your answer xD

What are the ingredients required to make a chocolate potato cake?

There are several variations for a cake recipe. To make a chocolate potato cake, you would need flour, butter, eggs, milk, potato, oil, sugar, baking soda, and salt. You can find many solid cake recipes online to use as standard, and you can easily incorporate potato in the recipes which don't have it.

Why do you need to put eggs and love in a cake?

The eggs you need in a cake to stick the dough together and to make it kind of "fluffy". The love is very important, so the cake will be eatabel lol :-)

Can you coat a cake pan with sugar instead of flour?

You need to do it with butter

How is Peanut Butter used in cake?

Definitely not. You can include some peanut butter if you want the flavor, but peanut butter isn't pure fat like butter so you'll still need most of the butter.

What is the ingredients to the cake on smeet?

You need butter, flour, yeast, sugar (all found in the bakery) and eggs (by the small buddha in shopping center 1) and milk (on the bar at temple of rock).

How do you Make Cake In harvest moon ds?

To make cake you need an oven.In the oven you need to put in an egg, a fruit, flour, and butter.

Where do you buy a cake on harvest moon?

cake can't be bought in harvest moon, you need a kitchen and a oven in order to cook it. the following ingredients needed for it were: egg, flour, butter, and a fruit. if you want a chocolate cake, you'll need :egg, flour, butter, and chocolate To make a butter, you need a milk and a mixer while the chocolate and flour are bought in the supermarket.

Do cakes have eggs?

Not all cakes need eggs. There is a website called that has a recipe for a fabulous chocolate cake that uses no eggs, or milk. It is called 1 pan fudge cake. Check it out!

What can a sentence be for a mixture?

I need a mixture of eggs and milk to bake the cake.