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Q: How many eistein general relativity theory proven to be right?
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What is relativity theory that Eistein proposed?

The Theory of Relativity was proposed by Albert Einstein. It discusses how space and time should be considered together and that the speed of light does not change for anyone.

Who wrote the Theory of Relativity?

Galileo Galile wrote "the Theory of Relativity", and Einstein wrote the General theory of relativity and the special theory of relativity.

Who develop general theory of relativity and special theory of relativity of Einstein?


When was the theory of relativity propoed?

The Theory of Special Relativity was published in 1905. General Relativity was published in 1915.

What is the official theory of general relativity?

There's no such thing as an official theory. The classical theory of general relativity is the one that Einstein invented.

What is a theory of general relativity?

The General theory of relativity primarily applies to particles as they accelerate, particularly due to gravitation

How can you use the word theory of relativity in a sentence?

Einstein's theory of relativity encompasses two theories: special relativity and general relativity. The theory of relativity is simply referred to as relativity in the field of physics.

What general theory of relativity?

It science.

What is the significance of General Theory of Relativity?

E=mc^2 Edit : That equation is part of "special relativity" not "general relativity".

What did people think about theory of general relativity?

At first people thought that General Relativity was a bizarre and irrelevant theory. However, as time went by, people started to accept General Relativity more and more.

Who published the general theory of relativity?


When was the first atomic theory and the theory of relativity first proposed?

1900Atomic theory: Leucippus (approx. 500 BC) and Democritus (approx. 460-370 BC).Theory of relativity:* special relativity - Albert Einstein, 1905* general relativity - Albert Einstein, 1916