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The Marshall Islands and other U.S. territories do not have any electoral votes.

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Q: How many electoral votes do the Marshall Islands receive?
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How many electoral votes does the marshall islands have?


How many electoral votes does the Virgin Islands receive?

No. See and search for "Guam" or "Virgin Islands". None. See <a href=""></a> and search for "Guam" or "Virgin Islands" in the page.

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No. Obama received 365 electoral votes, McCain received 173.

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16 votes

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99 votes in 1944 189 votes in 1948

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so far, he has 82 votes, but its too early to know how many other electoral votes he will get.

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Mitt Romney did not receive any electoral votes in Arizona. No candidate will receive any electoral votes until the general election in November. I think you might want to know how many delegates he received to the Party convention.

How many electoral votes did Barack Obama receive in Vermont?

In 2008: Barack Obama received 3 electoral votes from Vermont, receiving 219,262 votes to John McCain's 98,974 votes.In 2012: Vermont's 3 electoral votes have not yet been allocated. Projections indicate that Obama will very likely receive these 3 electoral votes.

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In 2012, Barack Obama received 0 electoral votes, losing the 11 electoral votes to Republican Mitt Romney by a tally of 1,453,097 votes to 953,043 votes.

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Barack Obama won 100% of Florida's 27 electoral votes.

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270 votes

Where did Obama receive all 27 electoral votes?

Barack Obama received all 27 electoral votes from Florida.