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This is a chemical element. You can find the how many electron in a single atom by using a Periodic Table.

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Q: How many electron are in each orbital of cesium?
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How many unpaired electrons does Cesium have?

Cesium has 1 unpaired electron.

How many electrons maximum can be in one orbital?

There can only be 2 electrons in each single orbital, and they will be on opposite sides of the electron cloud (orbital).

How many electron shells does cesium have?

Cesium is in period 6 and thus will have 6 electron shells.

What does orbital notation show that electron configuration does not?

Orbital notation shows how the electrons are arranged in the orbitals of the sublevels. Electron configuration shows only how many electrons are in each sublevel.

How many electrons does cesium have to give up to achieve a noble gas electron configuration?

Losing an electron cesium has a noble gas configuration.

How many electrons does Cesium have in its outer energy level?

Cesium, or Cs, has 1 valence electron.

How many electrons can fit in each of the p orbital electron clouds?

Maximum of two in each of the p orbital. there are three p orbitals (px, py and pz)

How many valence electrons does the element cesium have?

A cesium atom has 1 valence electron. It is an alkali metal, and all alkali metals have 1 valence electron. The electron configuration for cesium is (Rn)7s1. The single electron in the 7s sublevel is its valence electron.

What have stable electron configurations?

any time there are as many electrons and protons and they fill each orbital optimally.

How many s-block electrons does caesium have?

Cesium has 55 electrons in the neutral atom. It has only one outer s-block electron, however. It's outer-most orbital is the 6s1 orbital. If you are looking for the total number of electrons in all of cesium's s-block orbitals, the number is 10. The s-block orbital holds only 2 electrons, and the 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s orbitals hold 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 electrons, or 9 electrons. Add the 1 electron in the 6s orbital and you'll get 10. A link can be found below.

How many electron orbitals does helium have?

How many atoms / electron clouds does helium have ?

How many outer levels does Cesium have?

One electron in outermost energy level.