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Q: How many electron shells does bromine have?
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How many additional valence electron shells does bromine need to have a full valence shell?

It needs only 1 more electron since it already has 7 valence electrons.

How many electron shells does plutonium have?

Plutonium has seven electron shells.

Why does bromine have higher ionization energy then lead?

Bromine has a higher ionization energy than lead because bromine is a nonmetal while lead is a metal. Nonmetals generally have higher ionization energies compared to metals due to their smaller atomic size and stronger attraction between the nucleus and the valence electrons. This makes it more difficult to remove an electron from a nonmetal like bromine compared to a metal like lead.

How many shells do bromine have?

Bromine typically has 7 electrons in its outer shell.

How many valence electrons does bromine wants?

Bromine want an electron.

Which element has the largest atomic radius out of fluorine chlorine or bromine?

Bromine is farther down the group and has more electron shells, making it an element with a lager atomic radius.

How many shells does magnesium atom have?

Magnesium has 3 electron shells. The electron configuration is : 2,8,1

How many electron shells does phosphours have?

Phosphorus in is 3rd period. So it has 3 electron shells.

How many shells can an electron cloud have?

The correct number of electron clouds or shells sodium has is 3.

How many electrons shells does magnesiun have?

Magnesium has three electron shells. The electron configuration is 2,8,2

How many electron shells does chromium have?

Chromium has two electrons in the outer most shell.

How many electron shells does nickel have?

Nickel has 3 (three) electron shells.