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Plutonium has seven electron shells.

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Q: How many electron shells does plutonium have?
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How many energy levels in plutonium?

Plutonium has 7 electron shells.

How many electron shells in plutonium?

Electronic configuration of plutonium, ground state: [Rn].5f6.7s2

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How many electron do plutonium?

The neutral atom of plutonium has 94 electrons.

What is plutonium's electron arrangement?

The electron configuration of plutonium is: [Rn]5f67s2.

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Magnesium has three electron shells. The electron configuration is 2,8,2

What is the electron cinfiguration for plutonium?

The short electron configuration of plutonium is [Rn]5f67s2.

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They have the same number of shells (or energy levels).

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