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There would be two electrons. The electronic configuration would be just 1s2 and this is termed the duplet configuration.

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Q: How many electrons are in hydrogen's outer level when it is full?
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How are the outer energy levels of nonmetals different from metals?

Nonmetals almost have a full outer energy level while metals have few electrons in their outer energy level.

How many electrons is considered full in the outer most energy level of an atom?


How many electrons do the halogens have in their outer most energy level?

The halogens have 7 electrons in their outer shell desparate to gain the 1 electron to make a full shell of 8 electrons.

What does a atom's outermost electron shell does?

The outer energy level is in the electron cloud surrounding the nucleus. Each ring that surrounds the nucleus is an energy level and contains a different number of electrons.

What happens if an atom has 6 electrons in its outer energy level?

If an atom has 6 electrons in its outer energy level it will acquire two more electrons two give it a full octet. This will be done through the formation of two chemical bonds or a double bond.

Why does does oxygen and hydrogen react together?

because they both want to gain full outer shell. They don't have completed outer shells. Hydrogen has one electron in it's outer shell so it wants to ger rid of that by giving it to oxygen. (oxygen itself needs two electrons to get full outer shell which is 8 electrons, so two hydrogens are needed to complete one oxygen atom) and then water is formed.

What a gas in the rightmost column of the periodic table with a full outer energy level?

Noble gases are the gases in the rightmost column of the Periodic Table that have a full outer energy level. This is why the noble gases do not react with other elements readily. When an atom has a full outer energy level, it means that it has the maximum number of electrons in these outer shells, making it stable.

In chlorine the outer energy level contains 7 electrons To attain stable state the chlorine atom needs to gain how many electrons?

Just one. To become stable, it needs eight electrons; a full outer shell.

What is considered a full outer ring of an atom?

A full outer ring, or valence shell, has 8 electrons, except for helium, which has 2 electrons.

What is the valence electron of argon?

Valence electrons are the outer layer of electrons, the part that reacts. Argon is a noble gas, so it has a full valence electron level. It has eight valence electrons.

Is the outer shell of argon full?

Yes it is . The outer argon is full becoz it has 18 electrons

How many electrons does it neeed to gain to have a full outer shell?

1st energy level- 2 electrons 2nd energy level- 8 electrons 3rd energy level- 18 electrons To calculate the number of electrons other energy levels can hold, use the formula 2n^2. For example, to calculate the number of electrons the fourth level can hold, the equation would be 2(4)^2. This means that the fourth energy can hold 32 electrons. Same process for other levels.