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Q: How many electrons are in the outer energy levels of the highlighted group of elements?
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Why some of the periods have different numbers of elements?

The early periods have less elements because they are filling up energy levels which hold only a few electrons. The later periods contain elements with electrons in levels with a greater capacity.

How many electrons do beryllium and magnesium have in there outer energy levels?

Beryllium and magnesium have two electrons in their outermost energy level, as do all Group 2 elements.

Which scientists postulated that the sharp lines in the emission spectra of elements are caused by electrons moving from high energy levels to low energy levels?

Niels Bohr

What elements neutral atom has 2 energy levels with 2 electrons in the outer layer?

If by energy levels you mean shells then Beryllium (Be) is in the second group and the second Period.

What shows the placement of elements with similar electrons configurations in columns in order of their increasing energy levels?

the periodic table

What is primarily responsible for the elements' different chemical responses?

the number of electrons in their outermost energy levels

Which metal atoms can form ionic bonds by losing electrons from both the outermost and next to outermost principal energy levels?

Transition elements can form bonds by losing electrons from both the outermost and next to the outermost principal energy levels.

How does the number of electrons in outer energy levels relate to the position of an element in the periodic table?

the group number shows the number of electrons in the outermost energy levels. forexample sodium (Na) have 1 electron in the outermost shell and is placed in the group 1. Elements are grouped in rows depending on their energy levels, or valence electron numbers. Columns of elements are those that are chemically similar, or react

What is the number energy level of gold?

A gold atom has 6 energy levels. Level 1: 2 electrons Level 2: 8 electrons Level 3: 18 electrons Level 4: 32 electrons Level 5: 18 electrons Level 6: 1 electron

What can you predict from an elements place in th periodic table?

its valence electrons, its number of energy levels, how reactive it is, and some properties it has

Are electrons located in energy levels or electron cloud?

Electrons are located in energy levels within the electron cloud.