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Noble gasses have eight electrons in their outher shell(exept Helium, Helium has two.), so the outher shell is fully saturated and have thus no electrical charche so they can't react with each other(there are some exeptions like Fluor, this is because F has the highest electronegativety of all elements.

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Q: How many electrons are there in the outer shell of the most stable or inert atoms?
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Is sulfur outer most shell stable?

No, sulfur has only 6 valence electrons. Atoms with 8 valence electrons are most stable and generally chemically inert.

Are atoms with eight electrons in the outer shell not reactive at all?

stable and chemically nonreactive, or inert.

Do atoms whose outer elecron shells contain eight electrons tend to form ionic bonds in aqueous solutions?

Atoms with outer electron shells that contain 8 electrons tend to be stable and chemically in reactive, or inert.

What is the properties of argon?

Gas. Extremely unreactive. EXPLANATION: It is a noble gas (inert). This means it has a full shell of outer electrons. Atoms spend their lives trying to get a full shell of outer electrons because it will make them really stable, and they do this by reacting with other atoms. Argon has a full outser shell of electrons therefore it is stable and unreactive.

Valence electrons found where?

Valence electron are found in the outer shell of an atom. Depending on the number of valence electrons, the atom is more or less stable: fewer => less stable and more => more stable (inert). Stable = less likely to react with other atoms.

Atoms are more stable in their outer shell if they have?

A chemical stable atom is when it has the same number has electrons and protons. When the electrons and the protons are same it cannot react with any other atom till then and the atoms are called as inert atoms.

How many electrons does an atom need in its outer energy level to be stable?

Most atoms require eight electrons in the outer shell to be stable. The exception is atoms that are only filling the s1 orbital, which becomes stable with only two electrons.

Are Atoms which possess completed outer energy level or have a stable octet are inert?

yes(: of course

How many pairs of outer electrons do the most stable atoms have?


How do atoms get stable outer energy level?

They share their valence electrons

How many electrons of the most stable have in there outer energy level?

The most stable atoms/ions have 8 electrons in their outermost shell.

How many electrons are called are needed in the outer energy level of most atoms for the atom to be stable?

Eight electrons, called an octet, are needed by most atoms in order to be stable.