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Q: How many electrons does a fluorine atom have in its second shell?
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A Fluorine atom has an atomic number of 9. Draw out the electron shell diagram for Fluorine. Is a Fluorine atom more likely to gain, lose or share electrons to fill its valence shell?

What is the difference between a Fluoride ion and a Fluorine atom?

The fluoride atom has 7 electrons in its outer shell (9 in total) but the ion of fluorine has any number of electrons in the outer shell. eg. F+ = the normal fluorine atom but with one less electron.

How many electrons are in the highest energy occupied shell of a fluorine atom?

The highest energy shell of Fluorine is 2nd shell which contains 7 electrons just like other halogens.

Why fluorine exist as a diatomic molecule?

Each fluorine atom has 7 electrons in its outer shell, but a setup of 8 outer shell electrons (called an octet) is stable. To get this octet a fluorine atom will form a single covalent bond with another fluorine atom. Each atom give one electron to be shared between the two.

When a fluorine atom has seven electrons in its outer shell is it an ion with a plus or minus charge?

A fluorine atom that has seven electrons in its outer shell would be neutral. A negatively charged fluoride ion, Fl-, forms when a fluorine atom gains one electron so that it has an octet, or a noble gas configuration of electrons.

How many more electrons can fit in the valence shell of a fluorine atom?


How many electrons are needed to complete valence shell of fluorine atom?


How many unpaired electrons does Florine have?

A fluorine atom has seven unshared electrons in its outer most shell (valence shell).

What is the number of electrons that can occupy the second shell of an atom?

The second shell can hold eight electrons.

An atom that has 3 electrons in its second shell and a filled first shell will?

lose 3 electrons from its second shell

In what shell do valence electrons locate in?

Valence electrons of any atom are located in the outermost shell that atom carries electrons. For example a carbon atom has 6 electrons: 2e in its first shell (which is full) and 4e (valence electrons) in second shell--there are no electrons farther than second shell for carbon.

How many more electrons can fit within the valence shell of a fluorine atom?
