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no electron is present in the outer most shell of hydrogen ion

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Q: How many electrons in the outer shell does hydrogen ion have?
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How many electrons on their outer shell does hydrogen have?

Only one electron for hydrogen.

How many electrons in hydrogen valence shell will give it a noble gas configuration?

Two electrons will fill a hydrogen's outer, or valence, shell.

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How many electrons does one hydrogen atom have in its outer shell?

Hydrogen has 1 electron in its outer shell, and in fact only 1 electron in total.

How many electrons for hydrogen does it take to fill its outer shell?

Hydrogen can hold only 1 electron.

What do electrons have to do with chemical bonds?

Each element has shells of electrons and they are limited to how many can be shared in the outer shell. This lets us know what and how many atoms can combine with it. Hydrogen has the need for one electron in its outer shell. Oxygen has the need for two more electrons in its outer shell. Therefore, 2 hydrogen atoms can combine with oxygen.

How many electrons does hydrogen have to fill its outer shell?

Hydrogen has one electron. Its outer shell the first energy level has just one orbital, 1s which could hold a maximum of 2 electrons, so hydrogen only partially fills the level.

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Calcium has two electrons in the outer shell.

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Vanadium has on the outer shell two electrons.

How many electrons does does nitrogen and bromine have in the outer shell?

Nitrogen has five electrons in its outer shell and bromine has seven in its outer shell.

How many electrons fill the outer shell of helium?

There is only one electron inhabiting hydrogen and the compound therefore only has one shell, effectively making that shell the outer shell. TL;DR There is 1 electron in the outer shell of hydrogen.

How many electrons are on the outer shell of hydrogen ion?

your mom is an electron and i am her proton we keep eachother going