

How many errors in the Bible?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Zero. The Word of GOD is the infallible, inspired, inherent, and perfect Word of GOD. The Word of GOD is built: "precept upon precept, line upon line," Isaiah 28:10, 13. The Word of GOD is "the inspiration (Breath) of the Almighty giving them understanding (consider diligently)," Job 32:8, and 2 Timothy 3:16: "All Scripture is given by Inspiration of GOD (GOD breathed), and is profitable (advantageous) for doctrine (teaching), for reproof (proof of that which is tested), for correction ( restoration to an Upright state), for instruction (the record) in Righteousness (attributes of GOD)." Hebrews 1:1; "GOD, Who at sundry times (many times and many ways) and in divers manners ( many means) spoke in times past unto the fathers by the prophets." 1 Peter 1:10, 11, & 25; "of which the prophets...who prophesied of the Grace which is come upon you...the Spirit of CHRIST in them did signify (make known and declare) and testified a forehand (predict) the sufferings of CHRIST, and the Glory that should follow...the Word of the LORD shall endure for ever." GOD Bless!

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Q: How many errors in the Bible?
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What evidence is there to show that the Bible is inspired?

Some believe that the Bible is the word of God because it was literally told to the authors by God himself, and therefore is infallible. Others believe that the Bible was inspired by God and, although it can contain errors of history and science, it is infallible on matters of faith. There is no evidence of either. The Bible contains many errors of history and science, and is therefore not infallible. It contains many contradictions and inconsistencies on theology, and is therefore not even infallible on matters of faith.

How do copyist errors in the Bible not contradict nor violate the doctrine of Biblical inerrancy?

None of the few copyist errors in the Bible violate or confuse any Christian doctrine.

Can you still say that the Bible is inerrant despite the few amounts of copyist errors found there?

Yes, the doctrine of doctrine of Biblical inerrancy refers not to minor errors, but to the lack of contradiction and falsities in the Bible. No doctrines are affected by minor copyist errors.

Why do you think God would allow a few copyist errors to creep into the Holy Bible?

None of the copyists errors that crept into the Holy Bible change God's message. Still, they let you know that while the Bible is true it is not perfect. God does not want you to worship the Bible. God wants you to worship him. If people thought the Bible was perfect, they might worship the Bible instead of worshipping God.

The Bible is without error when reading it?

Yes, that's a wonderful book in comparison to other religious books. The Bible does not have any errors, it is perfect in every way. It has the answer to any question you might have. God is perfect, so is the Bible inspired by God It depends what you mean by errors. Typographical errors are the fault of the printer. There are, however, dozens of contradictions.

Does the Bible contain errors?

No the bible does not have any errors in it. ___ It depends on who you talk to what answer you are going to get. I believe that there are translation errors, yes, after having it passed down and retranslated so many times by many people, some of which had an agenda and made mistakes or changed things on purpose... although I also think you can still get a lot of good out of it and that there are many incredible truths contained in the Bible. Other people think that it is perfect as is. Other people don't think that it is inspired by God at all.

What is a 1776 King James bible worth?

In 1779, the AV was reprinted to correct spelling errors. What you might have is a 1611 AV Bible?